Alumni News

Class of 2012 - TEN year reunion
An enthusiastic group of Alumni returned to the college on Friday night to celebrate TEN years since graduation. They were joined by Deputy Principal Kim Forward, College Librarian extraordinaire Laura Capraro, Michael Cooper (Director of Community Engagement), the much-loved Rita Paniagua (previous Head of Brodie House) and the evergreen Vince Perri (current Year 12 AHOS and previous Head of Clarke House). Another thirty-five plus members of the cohort sent apologies as did former staff members Mr Ron Lok and Mr Luciano Bernes.
It was a lovely gathering with reminiscing, storytelling and much laughter. As members of the group inch toward their ‘thirties’, some are partnered with their own children whilst others have moved interstate or to regional centres for career and/or lifestyle reasons.
We love hearing their ‘beyond Aitken’ stories and are thrilled that they continue to share those with us. Members of the group work in fields such as accounting, administration, allied health, education, engineering, media, medicine, nursing, OHS, project management, psychology, public health and so much more, reflecting the diverse achievements of Aitken Alumni.
Special thanks to Director of Admissions Jacqui Duong for lending a hand on the night.
Ms Rae Gibbs
Alumni Coordinator