Performing Arts

This week our Fairview students took to the stage to put on The Greatest Show, which indeed it really was! Students in Years 1 & 2 performed two shows on Tuesday 22 November, with the Preps performing a one-night-only on Thursday 24 November. Each class worked incredibly hard over the term with their Performing Arts teacher to rehearse and present an item. All classes then came together to close the concert with the finale dance. All students had an incredible experience as many of them performed for their first time. Family, friends, and teachers were amazed at the talent of our youngest students.
The Fairview Concert would not have been possible without the dedication of the Fairview teaching staff, in particular the homeroom teachers, and of course our marvelous Performing Arts staff. Students in Years 6-9, and many other teachers also contributed greatly to the show as they volunteered their time in multiple ways to bring the shows to fruition. To you all: I say a large THANK YOU!
Ms Elise Zijai
Head of faculty - Performing Arts