What's happening at the Ag Farm?

Agriculture Update
Over the past weeks students have been involved in vegetable planting, plot trials, potato trials, animal growth trials and calf handling.
Year 11 trial work is coming to an end with vegetative yield being assessed as a result of varied fertiliser rates. Their animal growth comparison using ducks is also drawing to close. During this trial, students compared the growth rates of ducks fed feed with different protein levels, results should be interesting. The students and staff would like to thank Mrs Simone Statham of "Rosnay Wines" for her kind donation of the ducklings.
Stage 5 Agriculture have spent the term involved with the dairy industry and the Cows Create Careers program. During this program the students cared for two dairy calves. Students were set on roster to feed, weigh, groom, muck out and assess the health of the calves. Students were also addressed by a representative of the dairy industry, discussing the various careers and requirements of the dairy industry...very interesting and informative, followed by some flavoured milks, courtesy of the Cows Create Careers industry rep...YUM!!!!
Stage 4 have been learning about vegetable production and gardening. They have identified what will grow this time of year, weeded and prepared their garden beds and sown some of the seeds for their vegetables.