
School Value




FMFletcher KDo Your BestDee and I love how you are always trying your best. You are a learning superstar! 
1/2AChrystal BDo your bestFor keeping yourself on track. We are so impressed with how hard you are trying. Your independence is really blossoming!
1/2EHope HDo your BestFor working really hard this week on learning the oa sound. I have been really impressed watching you sound out tricky words. Keep it up Hope!
3/4SOscar ADo your BestFor always asking thoughtful questions during learning time and in STEM- your curiosity is such an amazing learning asset Oscar! 
3/4BBeau TDo your Best For persevering with your work and growth mindset. You are always striving to do your best, participating in class discussions and contributing to our class knowledge bank. Keep it up!
5/6DLilly-Rose ODo your Best 

For displaying amazing leadership in the classroom and at athletics day. You are a brilliant role model to everyone at school. Super effort!


5/6SFlynn LHelp others succeedFor sharing your maths problem solving skills and explaining your thinking to your classmates in a clear manner.
Plot to Pot Soren R 5/6SDo your bestFor your enthusiastic participation in Plot to Pot. You were a fantastic team player and your washing up was second to none. Thank you.
AuslanAlice C 56SHelp others succeedFor being able to share her skills with others during Auslan. Thank you Alice and well done too, keep it up!
Performing ArtsGeorgia S 5/6DHelp others succeedYou have demonstrated what a great leader you can be. When working in a group, you really step up, listening to all your group members and helping everyone out. These are valuable skills to have and reflect your solid values. You should be very proud!
STEMJasper J 1/2ADo your bestYou persevered with the, creating a new species adaptation activity in STEM and were able to come up with a very creative animal which had all the features clearly demonstrated. Well done!