Principal Update

Friday 31st March


We have one more week of school to go.  It has a been a while since we have had such a long term to start the school year and we feel everyone is ready to enjoy a well-deserved break over Easter.


Student Leadership Conference

On Tuesday our School Captains (Ada, Lily-Rose, Xavier and Bailey) enjoyed a day at the Melbourne Convention and Education Centre as they participated alongside 217 schools for a student leadership conference.  It was a great opportunity to learn practical tips for being an effective leader and how they can influence change.  We look forward to helping them develop their skills and confidence throughout the year.

EDEC Athletics 

Yesterday we had 33 of our students from Year 3 – 6 represent Menzies Creek at the annual EDEC Athletics Carnival.  These students were selected based on their performances at our own House Athletics earlier in the term.  The conditions were challenging as we had numerous showers throughout the day but our students managed to cope well and do the best they could.  We had many students finishing 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th and some will be selected to go through to the Divisional event later in the year.  We were very proud of their efforts.  Thanks to Daniel, Ray and Sarah for supporting the students and to the families that came to watch and support too.


Celebration of Learning – check the calendar.

Next week we will have the chance to welcome special visitors to our Foundation, Year 1/2 and Year 3/4 classrooms to showcase the work that they have been doing.

  • On Wednesday morning our Foundation classroom will be open for families to see how well their children are going at school as they complete their first term.
  • On Thursday the Year 1/2 students are running some tabloid sports from 9am before time in the classrooms.
  • Then the Year 3/4 celebration of learning is from 10am next Thursday and families are invited to bring a plate.

These events are a great opportunity to connect our school community and spend some time together.


Free Dress next Thursday

Next Thursday we will be having a free dress day with a gold coin donation as we look to raise money to support the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal ( Maddie from 12E is raising money to support her sister Isabella who is an ex-student of MCPS.  Please see the attached flyer and access the QR code to donate.

Thanks to the families that have been donating so we can provide some great prizes.  There is a tub in the school office foyer for people to place donations for Easter basket prizes please. 


Raffle tickets are $2 each or 6 for $10 – can be purchased via QKR or cash can be provided for paper tickets in the office.  All donations to be in and tickets to be purchased by 3.30pm on Wednesday 5 April please, so that the baskets can be made up that night for the raffle to be drawn on Thursday 6 April – the last day of Term 1.



We do have Assembly today at 2:45pm.  The highlight will be a performance from our Year 3/4 students.


End of term 1 - We will finish at 2:30pm next Thursday 6 April.


Start of term 2 - School returns on Monday 24 April, the day before ANZAC Day



Dale McInerney