Year 5/6

Year 5/6C
Welcome to Term 2! The weather may have cooled down but our learning has stayed red hot.
This term we are exploring the topic of Feudal Japan, including the country’s history and culture, natural disasters, the class systems that existed and powerful people such as shoguns and emperors. We have been reading and analysing rich non-fiction and fiction texts that relate to our topic, including Japanese folklore. To consolidate our knowledge of this topic, we will be writing information reports over the term that explores each aspect we have learnt about. Coming up next Monday, we will also be sharing our oral presentations on an aspect of Japanese culture, history or geography. We are looking forward to everyone sharing their information with the class!
In Maths, we are continuing to expand on last term’s fraction knowledge by learning about decimals. This includes how to represent decimals, place and order them on number lines and make connections between fractions, decimals and percentages.
At the end of last term, we made our way down to Melbourne to watch some incredible live music at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. It was a FANTASTIC day and experience, and everyone represented our school so beautifully! We saw live acts from Thando Sikwila (from The Voice), Tarabeat who played traditional Lebanese drums and the main act, King Stingray! Everyone had a really awesome time and carved up the dancefloor!!
A big congratulations to everyone who attended Hanging Rock cross country. Although it was a bit wet, it sure did not dampen anyone’s spirits, determination or perseverance. A big shoutout to 56C’s very own Finley Emmerson, who managed to take second place in the Castlemaine Cross Country and will now progress to the next stage. Way to go Fin!
What a busy start of the term it has been in 5/6T so far. I have a feeling that this term is going to fly by and before we know it, spring will be on the way.
This term’s topic is Feudal Japan, and we will be learning all about Japan, Japanese culture and the hierarchy of power in ancient Japan. We have started the term by learning many things about Japan including its geography, natural disasters and religions, as well as creating some special Japanese art. A reminder that Speaking and Listening presentations are due next Monday - we are looking forward to learning lots of new things about Japan from the students.
In Maths we have been learning about decimals, following on from our fraction's unit last term. Our writing genre this term is information reports and we are looking forward to learning lots of new and interesting facts about a variety of topics.
Last week we were lucky enough to have an incursion from Scott Darlow, an Indigenous musician who spoke about his career, the power of kindness and his Indigenous culture with us. We had a fantastic time and I think he may have come out of the day with a few more followers on Spotify.
A big congratulations to our district cross country runners Teddy and Orbella for their efforts last week - we are so proud of you both!
Wishing all of the special women in our lives a very happy Mother’s Day for Sunday - we
hope you are spoilt rotten!