
We are back for Term 2 and the kids have made an awesome start. There seems to be a greater level of confidence and comfort that comes with starting your second term at school.
This term is already shaping up as a busy one. We are heading off for swimming next week. The kids are excited for the adventure but seem absolutely over the moon about going on a bus everyday for a whole week. Parents are more than welcome to come and watch the sessions from 12:30pm to 1:15pm.
The topic for this term is Australia. We will be undertaking an overview of all things Australia. This will include the geography, landmarks, history and indigenous culture of our country.
In English we are looking at writing facts and opinions. The reading focus will be on sequencing events from a text and making predictions. We will continue to work through the sounds in the Jollyphonics program and will beginning looking at some digraphs.
In Maths we will be studying subtraction and counting as the number focus. Our topics include shape, position, location and time.
A couple of reminders to finish off. Please ensure all items of uniform are named (especially as we are swimming next week). We seem to have a huge amount of missing jumpers and jackets.