P & F News 



Families of St. Fidelis – there’s ONLY 2 WEEKS until our much-anticipated COMMUNITY DAY EVENT.


The P&F is getting really excited about this day and there is A LOT of behind-the-scenes organisation and planning occurring. We want this day to be FUN, ENGAGING and SUCCESSFUL for the school, but for this to happen we NEED YOUR HELP!


Below (under the Community Day information), you will find a link to SIGN UP and assist us at one of the stalls/activities that will be run on the day. It is imperative that we have enough volunteers assisting us at this event. The day can’t and won’t possibly run if it is left to the P&F committee and St. Fidelis' Staff. We ask that you spare as much time as you can to assist us, and ask family and friends who are attending too if they have some spare time.


The stalls/activities are easy to run and will be organised prior, you are just required to man them, make them enjoyable and collect money. SO PLEASE - if EVERY SINGLE FAMILY could pop their names into a time slot, we would be EXTREMELY GRATEFUL.

And don’t forget to spread the word about the Community Day to all your family, friends, sporting clubs, dance clubs, kinders, etc… the more people we have attending on the day, the more successful the event will be!

Thank you, P&F Committee.

Upcoming Events 

P&F Meeting – Tuesday 14th March @8pm on ZOOM

Icy Pole Fridays – Every Friday, Icy Poles $1 each

St. Fidelis Community Day – Sunday 19th March (please sign up to assist)

Easter Raffle – Tuesday 4th April

Hot Cross Bun Drive – deliveries Wednesday 29th March

Lunch Order Day – will commence in Term 2

Icy Pole Fridays

Every Friday, all students can purchase an icy pole at lunchtime for ONLY $1. Students simply need to line up, pay for, and collect their icy poles from the designated areas.

We thank you in advance for your support with this fundraiser.

St. Fidelis' Community Day, including Raffle

On Sunday 19th March, St. Fidelis will be hosting a ‘Community Day’. It will run from 12pm – 4pm and be comprised of FOUR MAJOR COMPONENTS:

  1. Food/Drinks
  2. Teaching/Learning – Open day information for prospective families 
  3. Market Stalls
  4. Children’s Games/Entertainment

In anticipation of this event, we need YOUR ASSISTANCE in the following way/s:

  • Please SIGN UP as a volunteer at the event by clicking on this link: https://signup.com/go/TxJGAzY 
  • If you have some GOOD CONDITION 2nd hand toys to sell at one of our market stalls, please drop them to the school office.
  • If you have some BRAND-NEW toys/homewares/tagged clothing/books (or anything else) to sell at one of our market stalls, or use as raffle/game prizes, please drop them to the school office.

We are also offering pre-sale tickets to all St. Fidelis' families for use at various activities on the day. Tickets will be sold at $1 per ticket (at the event) however as an early bird sale the following prices will be offered:

  • $25 worth of tickets = 30 tickets (5 free tickets)
  • $50 worth of tickets = 60 tickets (10 free tickets)
  • $100 worth of tickets = 120 tickets (20 free tickets)

Tickets are NOW AVAILABLE for purchase on QuickCliq.


We look forward to helping Manuela host this community day and we know that with your support, this will again prove to be another successful fundraising event for the school!


A reminder that Community Day raffle tickets can be dropped off to the school office, named with money (in an envelope) prior to the Community Day event (19th March). Alternatively, you can bring your tickets and money to the Community Day event AND/OR purchase extra tickets there too! Some AMAZING prizes are up for grabs – Vouchers to various restaurants/activities and an assortment of beautiful hampers. The raffle will be drawn at 3:30 pm on the day of the event… Remember, you gotta be in it to win it, so GOOD LUCK!


Hot Cross Bun Drive

In celebration of all things EASTER, we are once again running our annual ‘Hot Cross Bun Drive’ in partnership with BAKER’S DELIGHT COBURG. Hot Cross Buns are now available to order on QuickCliq, please see the flyer for all the details. Most importantly, orders close on Wednesday 22nd March, with delivery set for Wednesday 29th March. Don’t miss out on your chance to order and thank you for your support with this fundraiser!

Easter Raffle

All families will be receiving a raffle booklet with 20 tickets @ $1 each to sell for our upcoming Easter raffle. Like every year, we ask that all families donate ONE PRODUCT to use in our Easter hampers. We ask that the items donated are non-perishable. Some ideas could include easter-themed crafts, toys, books, homewares, etc. wine or candles are also a great contribution.  Of course, though, we would be happy with as little or as much as every family could donate. We will begin collecting donations as of the 14th of March, up and including the 31st of March. If all donations could be sent with your child and passed on to their classroom teacher this would be greatly appreciated. The Easter raffle will be drawn on TUESDAY 4th APRIL! Thank you.

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Done and dusted! We raised an impressive $2216.25. This is such a great contribution towards our fundraising efforts and one that we should be very proud of!

  • THANK YOU to Tara Soares and Rebecca Koutivas from the P&F for coordinating the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle. 
  • THANK YOU to all the wonderful parents and staff who assisted at the sausage sizzle, the running of this event would not be possible without your help.
  • THANK YOU to ‘The Village Bakery’ for donating all the bread, your generosity is always greatly appreciated!
  • And THANK YOU to all the St. Fidelis families who attended and supported the event!
  • This event is always a successful fundraiser and as per usual it was an enjoyable experience.

THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!

Our next meeting is Tuesday 14th March @ 8 pm via ZOOM.  If you would like to attend, please let Josie Servello (contact details below) know. And please, if you have any ideas to help with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, are able to provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact: JOSIE SERVELLO    -    0421 076 580   josieservello@gmail.com