Senior School

5/6 JDZ & 5/6 JD


Naplan kicked off last Wednesday and excluding catch-ups, will conclude this Wednesday (22nd March)!


Our days have been busy preparing for NAPLAN with lots of revision in the various learning areas.


We are extremely proud of the efforts of our Grade 5 students, who have worked extremely well in their tests to date. Each morning, we have provided them with an Up&Go, banana and a muesli bar to fuel them up to perform at their best!


A very special shout out also goes to our Grade 6 students who have very much supported our Grade 5's whilst also developing their own skills when completing the numerous revision tasks! 


To celebrate the end of NAPLAN, we are going to have a hot chips lunch and watch a movie on Thursday! 


We're very much looking forward to returning to normality and back into our routine for the last two weeks of term!



Interschool Sports has been a big hit each Friday for the last few weeks! We've competed against Bridgewood, Pakenham Primary, Kurrun, BUPS and Orchard Park in Basketball, Tennis and Cricket. 


This Friday, we will compete in the Lightning Premiership to complete the Summer Sports Program! 




Our State School students have been very busy practising their dances in preparation for our first Mass rehearsal on Monday (27th March). We will head down to Officer Secondary with other schools in our area and run through parts of each of the 8 dances with the instructors!