Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have won an award this week.


Positive People Awards

Prep AHudson Jones
Prep BGrace Russell
1ABonnie Fletcher and Fletcher Scanlon
1BKeiyah Ferguson, Isabel Lamb and Lowanna Chatfield
1CTahara Singh
2APiper Kelly
2BBlaze Frampton
3AMilla Mai
3BAiden Auletta
4ABella Leonard
4BBailey Smith-Watts
3/4CTom Farley
5AKatelin DuToit
5BAshlee Pimblett
5CTom Gent
6ALuchelle Coetzee
6BNoah O'Connor
6CElouise Auletta

Specialist Awards

PEKelly Carman
PELevi Jephcott
LOTEMontana Dertilis
LOTELayla Herbertson
ARTLogan McKenzie
ARTZac McRae
ARTKaley Grayson