Principal's Message

A message from our Principal

Dear Families




This afternoon is our community picnic!  We welcome you all to this fun event, which runs from 3.00 – 5.00pm.  The classes will have stalls running, and there is the usual dunk tank in operation.  Students do need to be accompanied by a parent …… make sure you come with lots of small change so you can access many of the stalls.  






Last Day of Term

School closes for the end of term, following a whole of school assembly,  next Thursday, April 6 at 2.30pm, at which time the after school care program will start.  Please arrange for the collection of your children at this earlier time. On Friday the school is closed for the Good Friday Public Holiday.  School resumes on Wednesday, April 26th.  Monday, April 24th is a common day for teachers to do some planning and no students are required at school.  Tuesday, April 25 is ANZAC Day and school is closed for the public holiday. 



Easter Raffle

Thank you to everyone you has made a donation towards, or bought tickets in, our Easter Raffle.  The raffle will be drawn next Monday at assembly.  Please ensure that all donations, tickets and money are returned by then.  

Some of the prizes....
Some of the prizes....


School Council

Congratulations to Mel Egan who was elected to our school council in the parent representative category following the recent election.  Thank you to everyone who voted.  The final result was very close, and we appreciate everyone who was involved in this process – in particular the candidates who stood for election, and the parents who were involved in counting the votes.  



Harmony Day

Last week we had the opportunity to not only recognise but also celebrate the diversity of our school community, which is represented by so many different cultures. Students from such a wide range of different backgrounds is a part of our school community in which we take great pride and it was fabulous to see so many of them dressed in national costume – or in orange as a show of support recognising the diverse mix of our student body – on the day.  There are some photos to showcase this day later in the newsletter.  



Fun Run

We were all geared up and ready to go for the Fun Run last Thursday….. the track was marked out and the marquees were being assembled…. Until the thunder, lightning and rain arrived causing the event to be postponed.  This has now been rescheduled for Wednesday, May 3rd. 


A few other reminders in relation to this:

  • The last day available for students to fundraise will be April 6th (next Thursday)
  • Prizes MUST be order between tomorrow (March 31 and Thursday, April 6th for your child to receive their reward….)
  • The classes are competing to see which grade is the highest fundraiser.  The front runners at the moment are Foundation B, F, G, 1E & 3C. 









Respect for our broader school community

We continue to work with our students around our school values of respect, responsibility and ask that parents also embrace this.  This means that verbal abuse, racism and aggressive behaviour towards staff or other parents will not be tolerated and if this is evident I can exercise my right as the principal of the school to restrict access to the yard for nominated parents.  We do remind everyone that we are the role models for our children, and they will mimic our behaviour.  Even if your own children are not around at the time that you feel aggrieved there may still be other young people  who are watching you.  Thank you to the vast majority of parents who continue to do the right thing.  We appreciate your efforts to keep the school grounds safe for everyone.  



Enjoy your upcoming weekend everyone


Sue Seneviratne
