Religious Education
Marylene Douglas
All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.
Religious Education
Marylene Douglas
All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.
This Sunday, Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week . Holy Week begins with the entry of Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and continues through to Easter Saturday. In Holy Week we remember and celebrate the last days of Jesus’ life on earth before His death and Resurrection. We pray and reflect on the events of Jesus’ last days, his suffering and death. The major focus of this week is the 3-part celebration in ritual of 'Service' (the Last Supper on Holy Thursday) …
'Suffering and Death' (Good Friday) … and
'Rising to New Life' (Easter Dawn).
It is all really one movement through death to life but we celebrate it mindfully over three days in three stages. We call this celebration the Triduum.
During this time we think about what it might teach us so that we can be more faithful followers of Jesus willing to serve others just as he did.
The students at St Louis' have been preparing for Holy Week in a number of ways. The Year 3-6 students have been working all term in Art with our amazing new Art Teacher Mrs Duly, to re-create the Indigenous Stations of the Cross. These were set up in the church for each class to walk and pray the Stations of The Cross. They will remain in the church over the weekend so that parishioners can also experience the students' work whilst reflecting on Christ's passion.
Some Year Two students recreated the Events of The Last Supper on Holy Thursday where Mrs Allenby washed her students' hands (not feet) then shared some bread and 'wine'. The students found this experience both touching and meaningful as they learn about the events of the last day of Jesus' life on earth and how He and his disciples may have felt.
The whole school was abuzz on Friday afternoon with the excitement of our school Easter Raffle which was organised by our wonderful P and F Team. They raised over $3,000 for our school thanks to your support. There were may happy faces brandishing a plethora of easter eggs beautifully wrapped in cellophaned boxes, but also a few tears for those whose raffle ticket didn't get drawn out! A huge THANK YOU to Monique Jefferies and her team for all their hard work in organising this years raffle.
Students have also been practising a number of songs relevant to each day of Holy Week to sing and reflect on at our Holy Week liturgy on Monday afternoon.
Holy Week culminates with the announcement of the Resurrection of Christ and the joy that it meant to the people at the tomb and later at the Galilee. Easter is about renewal, new birth, and starting again with enthusiasm for a brighter future. It is also about breaking out of “those tombs” in life that may be holding us back from living in a fulfilling and contented way. It may also be an opportunity to pray in gratitude for the amazing gifts of the people in our lives who bring us joy and the many privileges we experience living in our community.
Let us pray:
Loving God, who always invites us to make new beginnings, immerse our needy world in the spirit of Resurrection, inspiring us to spread peace, love and compassion to each other.
May God bless us with a determination to spread the miracle of Easter far and wide- that miracle of hope and renewal.
May Christ bless our world with his active presence in global decision-making so to create positive change within our troubled world and may the Holy Spirit bless our faith communities with energy and the resources to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who see little hope ahead.
May we journey together, renewed by the Easter miracle and share the peace that Easter always brings.
In the name of Jesus Christ who models these qualities so perfectly for us. AMEN.
Wishing you and your families a happy, blessed and peaceful easter filled with the joy of love and new beginnings.