Principal's News 

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

Good afternoon families,


I can't believe we have reached the end of Term 1 already. 

This week is the start of Holy Week and ends with Easter Sunday. I hope you all get some time this week to reflect on your Lenten journey and your spiritual preparation for Easter and the celebration of the Risen Lord.


It has been a busy and fun term. We have been given occupancy of the Administration and Leadership building and have started to slowly move in. The new building is wonderful and gives the school so much presence and an entrance that matches the amazing school we have.


Thank you for your Easter egg donations and to the Parents and Friends for the wonderful Easter egg raffle they organised yesterday.The children loved it and the excitement in the hall was deafening.



Father Andrew has asked me to share with you, AN UNFORGETTABLE JOURNEY

Join Fr Dave Pivonka (TOR) in this incredible video series which is awakening God's love and transforming power in the hearts of all who participate. Discover the Holy Spirit who has been revealed to us by Jesus Christ and who leads us to our heavenly Father. 

Please check the flyer that is attached for more information.


Holy Week

You are invited to our Holy Week Liturgy on Monday 3 at 2.30pm in the hall.


Final day of Term 1 

Tuesday 4 April is the last day of term 1 for the students.

9 am Prep to Yr 2 are having an Easter Bonnet Parade on the basketball court.

Junior ( P-2) Athletics, starts at 10.30 - 11.10. lunch break

11.20-12.00 (10 minute break) and 1.10-1.40pm  

Some Yr 5 students are having a final Fun raiser for Caritas at recess. Super Doopers will be on sale for $1 at Recess time. 


Winter uniform

Students can wear winter or summer uniform until Friday 28 April. As from Monday 1st May all students must wear full winter uniform. Students can wear shorts but they must be gabardine shorts, not the sport shorts other than on PE day.


Term 2 

Monday 24 April is the first day of term 2 

Tuesday 25 April is ANZAC Day and a public holiday.


I wish you all a Happy and safe Easter and look forward to seeing you all in Term 2 


Carmel Stutterd
