Shibuya Junior High School Visit 2023

Finally, the students from Shibuya Junior High School have returned to Nazareth College. I had been informed about the great success of this exchange program in the past and am happy to say that it will continue into the future. We welcomed14 students who arrived last Tuesday, very excited!

We have enjoyed the lovely cross-cultural communication between the students from Japan and Nazareth College. 


They have attended English and Japanese classes, Science and Maths, Art and Design classes. They also joined in with their buddies and the long-term International students in a walking tour of Melbourne City.  


The weekend was spent with their 14 wonderful host families; all families of our local students. The student buddies from these families have done a wonderful job welcoming and supporting the students. 

The student performed beautifully in a farewell spectacular sharing both Japanese and English song and dance.

We were also blessed with the lovely Brown Family sharing their talents with their homestay student Mingqian MA from Japan.


Thank you to all the members of the Nazareth College community for support the offered during this time. 

 We will now start planning the return trip to Shibuya, Tokyo!



Ms Angela Beilby

International Student Coordinator





There was a city excursion on Thursday 16 March 2023 that all the international students as well as the Japanese exchange students attended. We had to arrive at school early and caught the bus there. When we arrived at Federation Square, the view was spectacular. It was so gorgeous, and the tall buildings were hard to not look at. We went to Princess Bridge which was near the Flinders Street station. The bridge was so wide and huge that it surprised me. It was an experience to appreciate our surroundings, especially the wide river. You could also see the famous MCG (short for Melbourne Cricket Ground) from far away. 

One of the destinations we went right after seeing the Princess bridge was the St Paul’s Cathedral. We were told to be respectful and to be quiet so as not to disturb others who were silently praying. This was my first time entering a cathedral and everything looked amazing and ethereal. I have never seen anything this huge and so wonderfully decorated before. There were also inscriptions on the walls honoring those who helped build it and pictures drawn recently by a local artist journey about how Jesus had visited Melbourne landmarks (this is contrived of course) . I felt more knowledgeable about Christianity and how it is practiced in a religious setting such as in a church or cathedral. There were many fun moments throughout the entire excursion, but these two places were the things that stuck with me ever since.


Ralish Meas

Year 10 MA3


We went to the City with the international and Shibuya students. There are some famous places we went to such as:

Kylie Yeung

Year 10 KN5