Wellbeing Report 



Congratulations to our newly elected student leaders for 2023! 

On Monday our School Leaders had an incursion run by Himal from Success Integrated, which aimed to develop their leadership skills and come together as a team and set goals for 2023. It was a day full of activities on team building, communication, goal setting and developing our ideas on areas we would like to see improved in the school. It was a real pleasure to witness our students interacting and engaging with the activities.

Here is some student reflections of the day:



To me, the most memorable aspect of the Leadership day was how we reevaluated the definition of a leader. We discussed how everyone has certain leadership qualities and character strengths - from creativity and curiosity, to humour and honesty - and were asked to reflect on how we can utilise our own strengths to create positive impact on the world around us. We also learnt about and identified our own leadership style, from being a Relater, Socialiser, Thinker, or a Driver, based on how assertive and responsive we are in our every day lives. Those who are direct and assertive can either be a Socialiser by also being relationship driven, or a Driver by being task driven, and those who are indirect and easy going can either be the relationship- oriented Relater, or the task-oriented Thinker. The Leadership day was extremely insightful in allowing us to realise how diverse our personalities and leadership qualities are, and how anybody has the potential to become a leader, with simply a small amount of self-reflection and internal analysis. I extend a sincere thank you to Himal for the eye opening presentation today and look forward to implementing the new skills I have acquired into my work as a leader.


Perhaps the biggest takeaway I had from Himal's presentation was that we all have character strengths that make us unique, and these strengths can always pose areas of growth and improvement for us. Irrespective of whether or not your strengths lie more in wisdom than courage, or in humanity than justice, you can use your strengths to have an impact on others. If you can provide perspective to a situation, you can provide clarity to others. If you can elicit hope, you can help make people a little bit more optimistic. This is a lesson that really stuck with me and is one I will strive to take advantage of in Year 12 and beyond. Himal is an excellent presenter that doesn't shy away from making things fun, and throughout the day he kept the enthusiasm high with his witty humour and fun stories. Overall, it was an incredible experience that I hope can further inspire other leaders in the future.


We look forward to working with our student leaders over the course of the year!



Ms Jackie Kol

Director of Wellbeing