Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report


One of my favourite lines in the Scripture is Luke 21:19 your perseverance will win you life. As we move towards the end of the term it is normal that we start to get a little tired. It is at this point that the important virtue of perseverance is required. It is a very important virtue to develop. It is easy to work hard and do the right things when everything is going well. When tired and the term is getting older perseverance is so important. Good habits and routines are hopefully set and assist with this. At this stage we invite all member of our community to be mindful that the end of the term is approaching and to continue working hard to the end. Run the race to the finish as St Paul says (2 Tin 4:7-8). There is a good break awaiting us, and in our liturgical year we look forward to the high point with Easter, so let us keep persevering, as persevering in the way God wants us to live this will ‘win us life’.  Perhaps working hard when we would prefer resting could be a part of our Lenten penance.

Child Safety

Last week our students, in their Social and Emotion Learning Program, spent some time looking at Child Safety. It is our desire to provide an environment in our community where students feel safe and are able to talk to staff should there be an issue of safety. We encourage parents/ guardians/carers to talk to their children in regards to this important issue and also to encourage the students to speak to staff at Nazareth should there be any problems in this area. If you have any questions or concerns relating to Child Safety please feel free to contact the Child Safety Team (Ms Arlene Diston, Ms Casey Cilia, Ms Jackie Kol and Mr Justin Duckett).

Looking Ahead

As we move closer to the end of the term please see below some of the key dates in the next few school weeks:

  • Monday 27 March to Wednesday 29 March 2023: Year 7 Camp #1.
  • Wednesday 29 March to Friday 31 March 2023:  Year 7 Camp #2.
  • Wednesday 5 April 2023 (early finish time of 1.30pm for students),  last day of classes for students for Term 1, 2023. 
  • Student Progress Meetings at the College  (over two days): 
  1. Wednesday 5 April 2023,  2.30pm-8.00pm.   
  2. Thursday 6 April 2023 10.00am-3.00pm. 
  • Thursday 6 April 2023: No classes, no students due to Student Progress Meetings.   End of Term 1, 2023.
  • Friday 7 April 2023: Good Friday.
  • Sunday 9 April 2023: Easter Sunday. 

Parental Support

Over the last few weeks we have been quite strong and direct with students who have behaved in a manner outside of our school expectations. As a result, there have been numerous parent meetings to share these concerns and to help us to be able to better work together. We are so grateful for the fantastic support we receive from parents/guardians/carers as we work together in partnership. Please continue to contact the relevant College staff member should there be any way we can support you or if you have any questions or concerns.


As we move closer to Holy Week, prayers for God’s blessing on you and your family for the remainder of the Lenten journey.


God Bless



Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students