Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Guardians, and friends of Nazareth 


As we approach the end of term I would like to acknowledge our Community for the manner in which you have assisted your children to ensure that their school experience is a positive one.


Last week we had a successful Swimming Carnival which I believe has been the best over the past six (6) years.  I congratulate all our students on their behaviour, participation and competitive spirit.  MacKillop were the overall winners, while Knox took out the prize for having the most number of students in attendance.


NAPLAN testing has had its challenges with the new online version of testing and our sudden storm this morning, where internet usage was down for a short period of time.  However, all in all it has been administered successfully.  I know that it is only one form of assessment, and it is an indication of how the Year 7 and Year 9 perform on the day.  I thank Ruth Sharp, our Facilties team and the ICT team for all their preparation work leading up to testing days.


The College is looking to employ a Food Technology Assistant for Term 2 whilst Patsy Furlong takes a period of Long Service Leave.  We are also advertising for a Learning Support Officer commencing in Term 3.  If you or anyone you know might be interested, please go to our College webpage via the following 


Last week some of our students represented Nazareth College at the St Patricks Day Mass as part of Catholic Education Week.  This was a great experience for our students, and we were represented well.


Our Scholarships for 2024 are now open.  For any students wishing to apply, please refer to the College webpage for details.  Scholarship applications for 2024 will close on Friday 5 May 2023.  The Edutest will take place on Saturday 20 May 2023, at the College. If you have any queries, please contact Angie Palmer. 


Parking Issues and Being Respectful

Sometimes we are all guilty of allowing our frustration to get the better of us.  I plead with you to please be patient and respectful of the road rules and signage during student drop off and pick up times.  For the benefit of all, please refrain from double parking, this is clearly marked in the College grounds.  This holds traffic up both inside and outside of the College.  If you would like to drive in and out of the school, without delay, I recommend that you encourage your child to go to the library, homework club or simply wait until 3.25pm, when the traffic has dispersed.  We have plenty of undercover areas that students can wait in.


Homework Club takes place every Tuesday and Thursday after school for an hour. The library is open until 4.30pm, so please take advantage of these activities.


Please be aware that Council Officers have been patrolling the area and will fine anyone that is parked illegally in a No Standing or No Parking zone.


I thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter and please be respectful of fellow, parents, staff, and students.


Keep safe, and God bless



Mr Sam Cosentino
