Careers News 

Year 10 Work Experience 

As you will be aware, part of your child's Year 10 program this year involves one week of Work Experience from 19- 23 June.

Students were introduced to the program in December last year during Fast Start and were given a handbook with guidelines and scripts to help them when contacting employers to secure a place.


The due date to submit their arrangement form is Monday 3 April.


 This form needs to be filled out by the student and signed by the employer, parent and the student themselves before passing it on to me. I will then get it processed and signed by Mr Cosentino. The due date is so early because there is a lot of paperwork and processing to do before students go out. Part of this is an incursion where students will undertake their Occupational Health and Safety  (OH&S) which is  a legal requirement. Students MUST know what their industry is before this date in order to do the relevant industry module that will protect them whilst on placement.

I urge you to encourage your child to get this sorted as a matter of urgency. Please try to guide them to look at an industry that may interest them in the future and avoid just going to a large supermarket (this is not the best use of this experience). There are literally thousands of places that can be approached. Perhaps look at large factory estates that have everything from marketing businesses, engineering firms, IT companies, Gymnasiums and more.

Once again, I would remind you that students finding their own placements is essential to the experience. They cannot work with parents but may work at the parents’ workplaces in another department or with another supervisor. They cannot compete it at their part time job – they already have that experience. Please help them to take advantage of the opportunity rather than taking an easy but unfulfilling option. They may have to think outside the square. 


Please submit these forms to Student Services before Monday 3 April. 


We have some great excursions coming up to assist students with career pathways. Let’s take a look at what is ahead:

  1. Thursday 30 March       - Year 11 and 12 Automotive SBAT and VET students will be attending the Driver Learning Program at the Albert Park Grand Prix Circuit
  2. Tuesday 4 April               - Monash Mentor Program induction incursion for selected Year 11 and 12 students
  3. Wednesday 3 May        - International Career Expo -for Year 10, 11 & 12 International students 
  4. Tuesday 9 May               - Try A Trade Expo – for Year 10 LEAP and Year 11 & 12 VCE VM students 
  5. Thursday 18 May           - Victorian Careers Expo  - Year 12 VCE students 

Monash Mentor Program

The Monash Mentor Program is starting with an induction on Tuesday 4 April where our nominated Year 11 and 12 students will be meeting their mentors and discussing their plans for the year ahead. Monash matches our students (mentees) with a Monash student (mentor) that is studying a course or subjects aligned with what their mentee is looking for. They will have sessions throughout the year that will be designed by mentees according to what they want help, guidance or advice with. This is a very worthwhile program and will be the last year that it will run at Nazareth. 

I wish all or mentees the best of experiences.


The most recent editions of Compass Career News are attached below.



Mrs Elena Flodstrom

Careers and Pathways Coordinator