
On 19 March we celebrate the feast of St Joseph.


We know about St Joseph through the Bible. We know that Joseph was a righteous man and a merciful man. He always treated Mary with dignity and respect.  He did not want to disgrace her when he thought (incorrectly) that she was unfaithful. Let us reflect in our own lives how we can do the right thing and how we can show mercy to others.

We know that St Joseph was ever ready to carry out God’s will as revealed to him in the Law and through four dreams. He was entrusted with loving and protecting Mary and Jesus as he grew and developed. Let us reflect in our own lives how we can do what God wants us to do.


From St Joseph, Jesus learned the value, the dignity and the joy of work.  May this dignity and joy of work be reflected in what we do this year. It could be in the classroom, at home, at work, at a part time job. It could be paid or unpaid work. May this dignity and joy of work be evident in the way we conduct ourselves each day. 


This Saturday is the feast of the Annunciation. The Annunciation is the celebration of the announcement by the Angel Gabriel to Mary that she would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit and become the mother of Jesus.


Mary said 'yes' when the angel announced that she would be the Mother of Jesus. Mary put her trust in God and did as God wanted. May we can be open to what God wants of us in our lives and like Mary say 'yes' to God.


Holy Family of Nazareth – Be our inspiration and our guide.

Jesus of Nazareth – Help us to grow in faith, wisdom and knowledge.