Around the Traps - 4/5/6 

Mark Butters / Trish Shaw

Grade Six Leadership Presentation


Welcome to week 4.

We thank you all for sending the students ready to participate in the swimming program. It went very well and we could see great improvements over the week of lessons.


The 4/5/6 students have settled well into learning and are quickly slotting into a routine. However, it has been a little disjointed due to swimming. The students are showing their flexibility and attending to their learning at different times throughout the day. 

As mentioned in a previous communication, the Grade 4 and Grade 5/6 students will occupy different classrooms and come together during times of Literacy and Numeracy. We have started this and again the students are adjusting well.



We have started Reading Groups/ Rotations. This has worked well and the students transitioned between rotations beautifully. Now that swimming is finished, we will be well and truly into rotations. 

Dictation was continued so that we could practice what is needed when writing. It is proving a valuable part of their learning.



The unit, 'Place Value' has been introduced and will continue to be a strong influence daily during Maths.

The students have investigated the different languages found when working with the Place Value of numbers.

There has also been a daily focus on times table fluency.



The 5/6 class has started the unit on Democracy.  Given the planned Canberra camp in Term 2, we thought it might be a good idea to cover this content again face to face. This week we have discussed "community" and briefly looked at what a democracy is.

The Year 4 students are investigating the unit, ' First Contact'. We have discussed what we already know about this subject. This also ties in well with our camp in Canberra. 



We continued learning about St Brigid.

She was a remarkable woman who showed kindness to all and founded the Brigidine order of nuns on which our school began.

The students worked in mixed groups to create an informative small movie about St Brigid's life.


Have a great week everyone!

-Mrs Shaw & Mr Butters