Principal's Report

Carly Avery

Dear Parents and Friends,


Thank you to those parents who were able to help out with swimming over the last week. Despite the water being a little chilly last week, it has been a great time of the year to have swimming lessons and utilise our local facility. Well done to students in your organisation with belongings!


This week I have finalised a recent grant opportunity from the Federal Government, Emerging Priorities Program. We have applied to work with a Wellbeing expert, Georgina Manning- Peaceful Kids. Watch this space for further details.


I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the beginning of the school year. It has been commented on several times at meetings, in the staff room and in the yard at how seamlessly our students have settled into the school year. Well done to our students for the way in which you are approaching school this year, and thank you to our parents for the routines that are happening at home to support this.


Covid Restriction Updates

Thank you to parents and students in Years 3-6 for helping to keep our community well through the wearing of masks. Thank you also to those families who have been following protocols and keeping students at home for seven days when a close contact. 

Covid Restriction Reminders:

- Close contacts to test and isolate for seven days.

- The school will notify if a staff member or student has tested positive.

- Masks, distancing, sanitising and cleaning protocols to continue to be followed.


Student Birthdays

This year we would like to invite students to wear casual clothes to acknowledge their birthday. Any students who have had, or will have a holiday or weekend birthday are invited to choose an appropriate day to wear casual clothes to celebrate birthdays.


School Fees 2022 Update 

As you would have read in last week's newsletter, we were hoping to send out 2022 fee statements to all families by the end of the week.  Unfortunately, due to a change in school bank accounts from the Bendigo Bank to the National Bank, we are still waiting on changes from our software providers in Melbourne to reflect this on our fee statements.  We are following this up and will hopefully send out statements and fee payment options forms by the end of this week.  If you would like to start paying your fees, please do not make payments into the old Bendigo Bank account, please note our new school bank account details as follows:


Account Name: St Joseph's Primary School

BSB:                        083-543

Account No.:       51-683-8576

When making payments, please include your surname as a reference.