Learning & Teaching - Prep


Our 2022 Prep students have made a WONDERFUL start to school life!

The first four weeks of school have been full of lots of learning, play and fun.

From the first day of school, we have been learning to follow class processes and routines, including unpacking our bags independently and how to be good listeners on the mat.  Our Preps are fantastic at moving around the school safely by walking along in one line.


We have been very busy, focussing on getting to know each other and learning the names of our classmates.  We have already decorated our classroom with some art and craft, including our names made from colourful confetti!


During play-based Discovery Time, we have enjoyed our special interests whilst also learning to interact with our classmates and developing our oral language skills.  

Numbers 1-10 have been a big focus and we’re still working on how to write the numerals correctly and recognise small collections instantly, i.e. subitising.


We have read various Bible stories to learn more about Jesus.  In the Scripture story - The Lost Sheep, we feel God’s love for each one of us.  Jesus is the Shepherd and we are His sheep, trying hard to follow in His way.


Today marks our 15th day of school, and we have already achieved so much! We’re looking forward to what 2022 will bring us, and we’re keen and excited to learn and grow this year!