Ash Wednesday the Beginning of Lent

Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. After the excitement and yummy fun of Pancake Tuesday/ Shrove Tuesday, it is the day that marks the beginning of our journey to Easter, the season of Lent. Lent lasts for forty days, not including the Sundays. Lent is symbolised by the colour purple, a regal colour, that reminds us that we are preparing for the Christ the King to rise from the dead on Easter Sunday.


As a school we will gather on Wednesday via a Google Meet, which parents can access via the link that will be sent out on Flexischools on Wednesday. In our classes, children and staff will receive the sign of the cross in ashes on their forehead. The cross too is a key symbol of Lent, reminding of Jesus' ultimate sacrifice on Good Friday.


On Ash Wednesday students will bring home a Project Compassion box from Caritas. Caritas supports many initiatives across the globe and students will learn about many of these through Lent. On Wednesday 27th April (Term 2 Week 1), we will have our COHR Caritas Day, when students can wear casual clothes for a gold coin donation and return their Project Compassion box. All money raised on that day will go to Caritas. Last year we raised over $2300! A wonderful effort.


Let us pray the Caritas prayer for Lent:


Loving God, We thank you for the gift of our lives and

for the life of every person, both near to us and far away.

We thank you for the wonder of all your creation.

Through fasting, almsgiving and prayer

may this Lent draw us deeper

into the warmth and light of God's love.

May we see the world more clearly.

Especially those who are often overlooked.

May we come closer to your heart,

Which you showed through the cross of Jesus.

May we be full of hope for all the future generations.

We ask this in Jesus' name,
