Hello! I am Aditri Bhargava, a year 11 student who prides herself on being an active member of the JMSS community. Whether that be volunteering to be a peer mentor, putting my name down to run the Student Empowerment Club, being a regular member of the Choir, Notice Board Committee, Plastic Oceans, Interact, as well as many other clubs, I am eager to let everyone know that I am available to help. Through these numerous clubs, I have displayed my management skills, taking on roles requiring financial literacy, strategic planning, and decision-making while maintaining community engagement. With my previous record of bringing high spirit, enthusiasm, a love for learning, and a fresh perspective, I have simultaneously shown commitment by effortlessly giving up my free time to countless projects. Even without a proper badge or title, I have consistently made sure to help around and set an example for my classmates and people in my Mentor Group/House. Besides being a valuable member of multiple clubs, I have also had the opportunity to hold many leadership positions, like Junior School Captain, House Captain, and Junior Arts Captain. The student council is known to work side-by-side with the student body, ensuring everything is advantageous. I would be the perfect addition as I have a sound understanding of what goes on at school from my current positions in the Student Parliament and the Interact and Notice Board Committee. By becoming a student representative in the School Council, I intend to successfully voice the student opinion while implementing positive changes. With me on the council, I assure you that all student thoughts and words will not remain mere ideas; they will be heard and given attentive consideration; ideas will be turned into plans, and plans will be turned into action. Throughout my term in the council, I promise to operate using the four pillars of learning that our school prides itself on; learning to know, to do, to live together, and to be.
Did you know that we are lied to 300 times a day? Yep, pretty insane to think about, right? Well not in actuality, because you were just lied to 3 seconds ago. It’s actually 200, not 300. Let me tell you another lie. That John Monash Science School is perfect. Nothing in the world can truly reach the level that we call perfection. If there was one thing you could change about this school, what would it be? Have you thought about it? Not sure? Come on, there’s got to be something. Well, I can think of something I would change. Something that initiates even more changes in our school, taking us that one extra step closer to that somewhat unreachable level we call perfection. I would change how much of a voice the student cohort at John Monash Science School has.
Being a darker-complexioned, Muslim woman, I know what it’s like to have your voice go unheard. To have a powerful idea for change, for the benefit of everyone, but almost feeling like that idea will just forever stay constricted inside your own mind; it’ll never get to someone who can put it into action. Now is my chance to be the expression for everyone that wants their voice to make a difference in our school, and have action taken to initiate the idea. I can’t promise things like new buildings or shorter school days, but I promise to do my best to find a solution for everyone and ensure everyone gets the opportunity to have a say in how our school should be run. Whether it’s something simple like starting up a new club, or a potential solution to a heavy issue here at our school, you can be sure I’ll do my absolute best to thoroughly examine and find a way to implement the suggestion. I’m not just running to be a student on the JMSS school council, but as an aspirant on the behalf of the entire student cohort at John Monash Science School.
I don’t just rely on ideas from other students though, I encourage creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
For example, I know a major thing on everyone’s minds at this age is money. Many of our students are beginning or already have been working jobs outside of school, and are learning the value of money and how hard it is to earn it. Something that would benefit our students would be to lower the prices of things at school, like the photocopier expenses, and especially, the canteen. If I get your vote, I can advocate for the photocopier to be free, or pay per use, and for the prices of the food in the canteen to be reduced.
On the topic of the canteen, often at lunchtimes, the line for ordering is extremely long, and you have to wait half of the break just for everything to be sold out. We could potentially implement a second waiting line, or increase the rations for foods in high demand.
My name is Zaynab Ibraheem, I’m in Year 10, and I am running to be a part of the John Monash student school council. With my passion and determination, I know I can be an outstanding asset to the school community, and that push of persuasion to set the school on a path more effective for students, teachers, and everyone at JMSS. All our lives we have been told that perfection is impossible, but maybe that is one of the many lies you are told every day. This shouldn’t discourage us from working towards it, and believing that from here on out only improvements can be made. I would be absolutely honoured to receive your vote and be your representative for our school council.
Hey JMSS! My name is Shruti and I am passionate about creating positive change in our school. Since arriving at JMSS, I’ve received so much support from my peers and teachers and I am eager to give back to this awesome community. As part of the school council, I would love to put forward initiatives to improve House unity (especially for new year 10s!) and to incorporate more meaningful and less rote methods of learning. My main goals would be to create and maintain opportunities that cater to students’ unique interests, and to make sure every student’s voice is heard and included in council decisions.
Some potential initiatives:
- Pen-pal program for language students
- Group volunteering opportunities
- Lunchtime sports and activities
Thanks for reading and please consider me for the JMSS council!
Hi, my name is Emil Mary Tom. I am currently a year 11.This year, I am applying for the position of the student representative in the JMSS school council. First of all, what is the purpose of a student representative? Well, a student representative helps to share the students' ideas, interests, and concerns with the school council so that the students will have the best school experience. This is what I promise to do as well. I will always be available to hear out all your ideas and worries and be your voice to the school council. Furthermore, I want to especially focus on the well-being of our students so that we can learn to the best of our abilities and create many relationships with our peers. I will be a good listener, always available, and the voice that represents our community! Thank you, Emil :)
Hi everyone, my name is E-Shaine and I am currently in Year 11. I would say I am a compassionate person and someone who truly cares about the wellbeing of others. I believe that this is essential to being a representative for all of you as I want to be able to make decisions that would be beneficial for us students. I recently spoke at the Year 10 camp, which demonstrated not only my public speaking skills, but also my ability to represent the school values and spirit to others. Furthermore, I volunteer as a coach for my netball club and have attended meetings, where I have developed my ability to raise concerns and provide my input to a committee. Everyone should know that I want to be able to look out for the interest of all of us within the school council and hope that you would trust me to do so
Hey folks, I’m Mrish and I’m running for our school’s Student Council. I am super excited about this role as it will enable me to be part of an awesome backroom staff that will plan and put in play favourable changes for us. This role will allow me to be on the frontline and hands on to make changes that will ALL benefit all of us. Yes, the new fitness equipment is amazing, but lets strive for more. Hence, I need to be voted in. Being a JMSS student for the past 3 years, I’ve experienced all the highs and lows as a fellow student myself, including the painful lockdowns. I see this role as an opportunity, for me to contribute to school to this amazing school that’s nurtured all of us with so many wonderful experiences. Yeah, I’m in Year 12, but rest assured I will still be committed to this role. In conclusion, vote Mrish, and it’ll be a decision I’m sure you won’t regret as it’s not every day you come across a candidate like Mrish.
My name is Isabella Young, but many of you know me as Bella, from 10E. I am writing this in hopes of you potentially voting for me to become a part of the student council. :)
As a graduate from the Young Women’s Leadership Program, and a Monash Youth Panelist, I learnt a crucial concept about leadership. To value others’ perspectives and opinions. Thus, if I am voted on by the student council, every month, I will email an optional questionnaire that asks about the key issues you feel are present in our school. I will receive these answers anonymously, so don’t worry! :) I will then take those ideas and discuss them with the members, hoping to improve the current systems in place.
If I am elected as a part of the council, I promise to commit to the monthly meetings, as well as try my best to communicate our student community’s perspective.
Having an age-similar person to rely on is imperative for students, and I am aiming to become the support system for many individuals in our school community. If I am voted student council, it will broaden my network, allowing me to be that support system for you guys. :D
My emails will always be open, and I will do my best to reply to all who have questions.
Have a lovely day and thank you for reading! Hopefully, I can represent you as a part of the school council.
Participation, individual strengths and teamwork. My mum was on the School Council when I was in Primary School. She learnt about what was going on behind the scenes, the inside and outside influences which might affect both students, staff and parents. She was able to understand how the school functioned as well as understanding the importance of a strong group of leaders and a positive community. As a parent, she was able to express how the decisions, changes and ideas would impact her, and her family whilst having the interest of others in mind. As a result, of her, the other parents and the student representatives, she was able to help make some great decisions for the school. Through watching and observing my mum be a part of something that did good and accomplished great things, the influence upon me was big. I want to be able to give back and contribute to my present school in as many ways as I can, this position being one of them. My mum's School Council experience has inspired me to do similar and try to bring such joy and passion to John Monash Science School. Through being a kind and approachable peer, student and friend, I feel I will be able to liaise effectively between the School Council, Student Parliament and the whole of the John Monash Community. I feel strongly that my extensive communication skills, my ability to adapt to circumstances and the insights I have into how changes might affect those around me, demonstrates my suitability to be a valued member of the School Council. With my previous but not limited experiences of: multiple captaincies at my old school, awards for leadership in various sporting activities, recognition of working well with people of all ages in my role as a coach, and my present position as Flannery Vice House Captain, I have a well-rounded idea of how to support large communities and ensure that participation is present within them. In joining the School Council, I hope to become aware of all the areas which affect the school while increasing the amount of opportunities for all within John Monash Science School so everyone can feel that they can showcase their individual talents. I would like to help make the decisions about what is best for the students and the staff at the school by listening to all voices in order to achieve the best outcome. With your ideas, participation and overall support, we can help make our school the best version of itself.
If I was granted the privilege to be on the student council, I would try nothing but to make your voice heard. I would try my best to implement policies and present negotiations that would keep the student body feeling safe, secure and content. As I see myself as a fair and attentive person, I will make sure everyone’s opinions and ideas are heard to make this school more co-operative. My goal is to ensure a genuine and not-forced positive environment where people work together and are heard.