Year 7 & 8 News

From the Assistant Principal
It is with great pleasure we welcomed students back to school this last week. Into the Junior School our new Year 7 students (Class of 2027) have settled in very quickly, along with returning Year 8 students, already having a taste of the year to come during the Step-Up Program to finish 2021.
For Year 7, the alternate timetable, aptly named 'Welcome Week', remains an exceptional introduction to life at secondary school, particularly at CESC. Students experienced a range of classes, activities and tutorials to support their start in a variety of ways. This included, but was not limited to:
- Home Group time
- 'Getting to know you' activities
- College tour
- Locker setup and learning to use the combination lock
- Laptop setup including Compass and College Gmail tutorials
- Commencing Art/Tech subject rotations, Physical Education and Learning 4 Success
- Remote assemblies with leaders
- PAT-R and PAT-M testing (Literacy and Numeracy)
The cohorts looked amazing as they stepped into the College in their CESC uniform for the first time, a stark contrast to the sea of Primary School uniforms observed on Orientation Day. Whilst nerves existed, they were outweighed by the sheer excitement that the big step brings. I take this opportunity to congratulate all of our Year 7 students for their amazing start, and challenge them to continue trying new things, ask questions, and build new relationships.
A huge thanks goes out to the Year 7 Leaders (Mr Struth, Mr Kearney and Ms Reid) for all of their hard work organising such an amazing week. Of course none of this is possible without our Home Group teachers, classroom teachers and amazing support staff. The wider team has provided your students with a great start!
For Year 8, things did look a little different. Straight into the rigours of teaching and learning for most, continuing with learning from Step-Up, meeting newly appointed teachers, and reacquainting themselves with their peers and surroundings in the other end of the Green Building.
Students have been flexible with the addition of a temporary classroom in the Green Open Space as we await the arrival of new double-story portable classrooms that will be home to four of our Year 8 Home Groups. Additionally, Year 7 and 8 students alike have found much joy in using our newly installed inclusive playground, set up as an obstacle course.
Year 8 also welcomed many new students to the College, with a few more to commence in the coming weeks. It is great to have each of you join the CESC community and I am confident you will not only enjoy all we have to offer, but make some amazing connections in your new year level. Thanks to our Year 8 Leaders (Ms McLean, Mr Strange and Mr Cirillo) for your leadership supporting the seamless return to school.
Russell Lee
Assistant Principal - Year 7 & 8
Welcome to all our new Year 7 students
We would like to wish you all a Happy Lunar New Year!
This year is the Year of the Tiger. Other Tiger years include 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010. The 2022 Chinese New Year Day falls on February 1st. We wish you all the best, health and happiness, wealth and prosperity in the Year of the Tiger!
The LOTE team