Religious Education 

Last week the Sacramental Team met at St Mary’s Presbytery to discuss and plan dates for Reconciliation. In order for your child to participate in this important step of their Faith Journey parents will need to attend this Parent Information and Enrolment Night.

The Parent Information and Enrolment Night will take place at  St Mary’s Church in the foyer “Gathering Space”. There will be two different time slots for families to choose from; Thursday 24th February at 5pm or 7pm.

​​We are very aware that we will have many children, now in Grade 3 or 6, who did not participate in this program in 2021 due to the difficulties created by the pandemic.

Children in Grade 3 are Confirmed and make their First Communion in Term 3.

It is a requirement however that these children should have been to Reconciliation BEFORE they can receive Confirmation and First Communion.

The Enrolment form and information sheet for the Sacrament of Reconciliation was sent home with your child/ren yesterday. If you did not receive this and would like a copy please advise us and one will be sent home with your child.


Julie Leonard - Religious Education Leader