Senior School Report

Senior School Report

Start of the 2022 academic year

The Senior School leadership team warmly welcomes back the Year 10, 11 and 12 students. We look forward to working with our senior school students to help them realise their potential in both learning and more broadly as global citizens.


Students attended an assembly on their first day where Mrs Major emphasised how we are here to support all students. Students also need to be actively involved in their own learning journeys and grasp the opportunities available in their final years of learning and other activities. As Senior School students they have an important part to play in following the standards set by the college as they are role models for our younger students.


The Senior School leadership team, together with Mrs Major and Mr Knight, are committed to providing the highest level of support to our students and parents / carers. Our experienced teaching staff also want to help our students achieve their best possible learning outcomes.


The 2022 Senior school leadership team is: 

Mr Mark Corrie - Head of Senior School

Ms Vicky Manioudakis Year 10 Coordinator

Mr Tom Santos - Year 11 Coordinator & Year 12 Coordinator


Parents / guardians are welcome to contact the Senior School leadership team with any questions or concerns throughout the year.

To enhance understanding of content students should constantly be revising key content to form stronger memories. A simple analogy is that we never forget our name because we have heard it so many times to form a stronger memory of it! 


Students studying a VCE Unit 3/4 subject should also be spending time looking ahead at the next content area to enable them to ask more informed questions in class when that content is covered to further enhance their understanding.


The College’s suggested minimum time for homework / revision is 10 hours per week for Year 10 students, 15 hours per week for Year 11 students and 20 hours per week for Year 12 students


Year 12 Inspire Conference

The 2022 Inspire Conference was an exciting and enjoyable experience for the year 12 cohort. From the lectures to the activities there was never a dull moment during the day. We were given the opportunity to learn from experienced speakers in a variety of topics.


The first presenter, James Pinnuck spoke about doing the best you can do in VCE English, offering tips and tricks that ensure that we succeed. He presented strategies in applying skills and knowledge to our English assessment tasks leading to the exam that provided us with new ways to improve our writing. He also provided us with the opportunity to implement the new skills we were taught. James helped us practice and solidify these new techniques in order to adequately prepare us for the coming year ahead. For those who are aiming to excel in English this was the presentation to attend.

Sam Dhillon 

Wellbeing is sometimes the thing that doesn’t make it on a year 12’s ‘To Do List’, and unfortunately many have no idea where to start their mental health journey. This is what made Chris Daicos’ presentation so inspiring and important. Chris prompted us students to think and critique current activities that assist in maintaining wellbeing, making us consider new ways to improve our mental health, whether it was a new diet, practicing gratitude, exercise, or sleep. The presentation allowed for mental health and wellbeing to be a discussion among friends and classmates, encouraging us to focus on mental health and put it at the top of our to do list.

Aimee Bugeja 


To finish the day, we were lucky to have four past students of Scoresby Secondary College provide us with their insights and how they made the most of their opportunities as well as how they have gone onto further study and work. These past students volunteered their time to come and talk about their lives and their achievements since graduating from Scoresby Secondary College as well as give helpful study tips for getting through the final year. It was great to be able to ask the panel many of the questions we were thinking and wondering and gain in an insight on strategies that we can incorporate this year.

Mason Rimmer


Mr Mark Corrie

Head of Senior School