COVID-19 update

Important messages – St John's Footscray

COVID updates/re-sharing latest information:

  • Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) - The latest announcement is the RA testing will continue to be strongly encourage twice a week for Primary School children. We are expecting another delivery of RAT kits but these may not arrive until early next week. To ensure the quick distribution of these kits we will send them home via the children when they arrive. If you do not require any RAT kits please email . We thank you for your ongoing support of this process.
  • Staggered Pickup - This continues to be working well to ensure we can adhere to social distancing and not have a large number of people accessing the school at the one time. We remind families using the drive-thru in the backyard to remain in their cars at all times. Staff will assist children needing help but it is also a great opportunity to teach independence with children able to safely get into cars and buckle themselves into their seat.  
  • Face masks - Staff are required to wear their face masks except for when eating and when their ability to communicate with children is compromised. Children in 3-6 must be wearing their masks at all times (unless an exemption applies - please inform the School in writing if you haven't already). For children in P-2 it is strongly encouraged for them to wear a mask to help limit the spread.
  • Outside shade sails - We have secured a grant to construct a shade sail structure on Joan's Yard. As per the recommendation, this will be placed over the wooden logs seating structure near the Eleanor St. gate. This will hopeful be installed in the near future. We will keep the community updated on the progress of these works.
  • Ventilation / Air purifiers - These were delivered at the end of the school year and have been place in high priority spaces as per the recommendation. This includes the Hall, Staff room, first aid room, hubs and Principal's office where meetings occur. Educators ensure all windows and doors are open and the children are learning in big spaces or outside as much as possible.
  • QR Codes - After Friday 18 February it is no longer necessary for QR checkins to happen at schools. However, it is still a requirement for the presentation of vaccine status to enter school buildings and adults to wear masks unless proof of exemptions is shown.
  • Assemblies / Liturgies - These can still go ahead outdoors as per our guidelines. All visitors are asked to socially distance.
  • Bubbles / cohort mixing - We will continue our yard bubbles and indoor learning kept to Hubs only. Educators are taking children / groups outside as much as possible (weather permitting) to keep ventilation high. At this stage, we will only gather as a whole school outside.
  • Before school play - ALL children will be required to go straight inside when they arrive at school. This is to limit the mixing between the bubbles of P-2 and 3-6 children.

If you have any further questions about St. John's COVID management, please call/email School Office or Emily. Thank you for your support.