
Shannon Sargeant

WINNER - Curriculum Leadership School of the Year (Secondary)

Students across the school teamed up to perform resource audits covering litter, ocean plastic waste, biodiversity and general waste.  The Year 7 Maths students were responsible for litter, Year 9 Humanities students cared  for biodiversity and Year 10 Sustainable Futures students looked after waste.  Science and Humanities students from Year 8 worked together on the Ocean Plastic Waste unit, which focussed on solutions to environmental problems from a human and ecosystem perspective.  Year 10 Kitchen Garden students learnt about horticulture, science and food technology from a sustainability perspective.  All year levels were offered the Student Engagement in Learning for the Future (SELF) subject in 2022, providing the Sustainability Team and the Sustainability Captains with the opportunity to create a lesson on waste streaming. Lilydale Heights is proud to have a First Nations advocate and Indigenous perspectives are integrated across the curriculum.


Sustainability Week

To coincide with World Environment Day and World Oceans Day, LHC celebrated Sustainability Week during Week 7 of this term. A range of events were held with the theme Stop Plastic Waste – Solutions.

  • There was information, surveys, links to action and a quiz each morning in Period 1 classes.
  • Staff and all students completed a lesson looking at how much plastic they use each day, where the litter hot spots are in the College, as well as the types of litter, how this impacts the environment and changes we can make to our behaviour to reduce litter and plastic use. The end of the lesson resulted in students taking part in ‘Take three for the Sea’ which is a movement that encourages all people to pick up three pieces of litter each time they are outside, to stop it from ending up in the oceans. 
  • A Sustainability in Art Competition was held during lunchtimes and students were challenged to create an artwork out of items diverted from landfill.   Congratulations to the winners Ash Year 12, Holly and Jasmyn Year 8, Anastasia Year 7, Mia and Ella Year 7.

The first of our waste streaming bins were also rolled out during the week. It has been great to see students checking the posters to make sure they are using the correct ones. More bins will be added to other areas of the College during Semester 2.