Year 5 & 6

Ms Hall, Ms Riolo, Ms Armstrong and Ms Hicks 

Hello 5/6 Families! 


This semester has flown by! We are officially at the halfway mark of the year! We hope you all have enjoyed it just as much as we have. 



In Literacy, the ⅚’s have been looking at the structure of explanation texts, with a focus on explaining how and why historical events such as, First Fleet and the Gold Rush happened. Student’s have researched and written a text explaining the impact these events have played in Australian society, with a focus on time and causal connectives. In Reading, students have looked at summarising read texts, using note taking, by identifying and prioritising important information. Students have explored and analysed the purpose of visual images and graphs to see how they can aid in understanding read texts. 



In Numeracy we have been focusing on efficient strategies when solving division problems such as, groups of and short division with remainders. Students then worked on identifying and finding factors and multiples of given numbers. This was then expanded upon by applying these skills to solve open-ended word problems. Students also explored how to identify and describe the properties of prime, composite, square and triangular numbers. The Year ⅚’s worked on determining the chance and probability of events occurring and linked this to fractions. Students investigated dice games and how to determine if the rules were fair or not. 



For Term 2, students have been exploring significant historical events in Australia such as, the First Fleet, The Gold Rush and Federation and the direct impact this had on the people involved. Students have researched these events and explored how each one could have been experienced differently in both positive and negative ways. To finish off our unit, the students have created a ‘suitcase’ of a person living during one of those times to explore the differing experiences and perspectives.