
Ms Sapardanis, Ms Lawson, Ms Achilles, Ms Walker, Ms Rodwell, Ms Oldfield and Ms Nicholas

Learning in Foundation

A massive congratulations to all of our Foundation students for completing their first ever semester of school! What an incredible term it has been, with so much learning and fun. We have finally reached the end of our Milo’s Birthday Surprise book and are excited to celebrate learning all of the letters of the alphabet and the characters that have helped us to learn them. 



Students have been engaging with our Little Learners Love Literacy books about Pip and Tim. We are focusing on building confidence to segment and blend the sounds we see in a word to accurately decode and read. 

Don’t forget to continue to practise our heart words when you are at home to help support the recall of these words when reading. 

As we read we have been learning about how to find who is in the story, to work out what is happening and what the characters are doing, and find where the story is happening. Being able to identify these things is very important for students to develop as it supports their comprehension skills. You can have a go at asking your child to find the ‘who’, ‘what doing’ and ‘where’ in their home readers. 





In Maths students have been extending their knowledge of addition by learning about ‘Friends of Ten’. They have been exploring what two numbers go together to make 10 in different ways.



We have also been learning how to ask simple yes or no questions to collect information and show it in a tally and pictograph. Students have loved asking questions and creating graphs to show data in different ways. 



Students have loved learning about the past. They explored their own personal past and needed to identify what a significant event has been in their lives. Students worked on ordering these events in chronological order to show which happened first, next and last (most recent). 


A quick look at Term 3

In Term 3 we will be learning all about Geography! As part of our unit we are going to Bundoora Park Farm. Please make sure you have paid and approved your child’s attendance to the excursion by the due date.


We will also be celebrating our 100 days at school! Students will come to school dressed up as a 100 year old and celebrate having spent 100 days at school with fun activities. Please make sure you have paid and approved this in the compass event.