From the Principal 

Anthea Jamieson

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we approach the end of Term 2, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the progress we have made as a school community and to celebrate our achievements. At Gilgai Plains, we place great importance on the values of Kindness, Respect, Learning Together and Zest, and I am very proud to say that our students continue to demonstrate these values everyday. Our students’ kindness towards one another is visible both inside and outside of our classrooms and their respect for each other and their teachers is outstanding. Our student’s zest is evident when arriving at school and their love of learning together is showcased by how excited they are to share their knowledge, ideas and experiences with each other. Our values are also reflected in our wider community with our parents being incredibly supportive of the fantastic work that our staff do. We receive numerous positive comments from parents and carers who have noticed the positive impact our school community has had on their children. We are grateful for your support and for your commitment to our school. We are committed to maintaining our values of Kindness, Respect, Learning Together and Zest and we look forward to watching our students continue to grow and thrive.


Congratulations to Scott Woolcock, who has been successful in becoming our third Assistant Principal at Gilgai Plains. Scott will lead Student Empowerment and Achievement and support our staff in promoting student agency and voice. Scott is already a well respected and valued member of our team and we are very excited to see where this new role takes him and our students.


Our dedicated teachers and educational support staff have worked hard this term to support every individual in their care and provide our students with academic instruction that is explicit and engaging. We value our professional learning opportunities and our staff are not scared to throw themselves deep into the learning pit, which is after all, what we expect our students to do. On our next Curriculum Day on Monday 10th July, our staff will review data from Term 1 & 2 to identify next steps in teaching and learning  and will also participate in professional development focused on effective classroom practice and peer observations.


As always, we value your feedback and input. Thank you to all parents who filled out our latest parent survey gathering data on the way we communicate and favourite community events. The survey is open until Friday 30th July and we would love to hear your feedback. Please find the link to the survey on Compass.


Our next Coffee & Chat with the Principal Team is on Friday 14th July at 2.20pm in the library. Please join us to hear the latest news and have the opportunity to ask us any questions.


We are committed to working together with our parents and families to support the growth and development of our students, and to create a positive and inclusive environment for all. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in the life of Gilgai Plains primary School.


Have a lovely break with your children. See you in Term 3.


Yours Sincerely,


Anthea Jamieson
