Principal's Report 

Term 3, 2023


The motivation shown during Term 3 has been remarkable. Our students’ collective efforts, achievements, and positive attitude toward learning is to be acknowledged. I am always proud of our students and they continue to impress and represent our college with pride. 

Our staff have once again ensured that all students are supported by continuing to offer additional learning through a range of programs that allow our students to thrive within their school life. 


To our families, I welcome and respect your contributions, feedback and support. We can only accomplish the best for our students by working together as a strong community. Each day I look forward to working with you and your children.


Future Ready

We know that parents are the most influential educators of their children. We also know that a strong partnership between the school and parents/carers will provide better life chances for our young people. As a school, we are very fortunate to have an active and supportive parent/carer body that contributes in so many ways and adds such tremendous value to the culture of our school.

 Being actively involved in your child’s education can take many forms such as:

• Helping with homework,

• Showing an interest in the novel being read,

• Being part of a working bee,

• Dropping them off at 3.00 a.m. to enjoy the Mt Buller snow day.


Thank you to all our parents and carers for the wonderful efforts and sacrifices you make for our students. I recognise that everyone has busy lives, and I want to stress the importance of taking time to be interested in your child’s future.


Year 7 Oral Presentation Evening


I had the delight of attending the Year 7 Oral Presentation Evening on Wednesday 26 July. The night was exceptionally well attended, and all students were exemplary in the effort, performance and content of their presentations. I am always delighted to see the way our students and their families support each other. It is common to see our students congratulating and encouraging one another as they acknowledge the talents of their peers. Well done to all our Year 7 students and their teachers.


It seems strange to be discussing Bushfire preparedness in such cold weather. The Dromana College BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) has been lowered which means we will most likely only close on code red days in 2023.  Works to create fire breaks in the bushland areas surrounding the college are now underway, adding an additional layer of protection to the students, staff, and visitors of the college on high-risk fire days.