A Word From Leadership

School Reports

This semester we have started using a new database and school management system. 

During this transition period between two systems, we will be sending home a paper copy of your child's report. We acknowledge that this is not sustainable in regard to paper usage, however to value the work of staff and to have you receive information about your child's learning in a timely manner, this is the best option. 

Student Academic Reports; just one way we see how our students are learning

As mentioned, Semester 1 reports will be sent home in paper form on Thursday 29 June. This is a progressive report, to set goals for continued growth and learning. 


It's important to remember that Semester 1 reports are growth or progressive reports, they do not show the final end of year achievement for students. In fact, they are a snapshot in time of your child's learning. 


If your child receives a partial grade, this demonstrates that they are working toward the standard expected at the end of the school year. Some skills take longer to develop. If your child has received a partial grade, you would have had some form of communication with your child's class teacher.


Often as a society we tend to put much emphasis on students’ achievement at different points of time in their schooling, and not enough on students’ progress over the course of their schooling.


Where is the learner going? Where is the learner (right) now? What does the learner need to do to get to where they want or need to go (the goal)?


When we set clear learning targets and success criteria for our students and share those targets in different ways, we are clear on our direction, our goals.  


How you share, react and encourage your children will impact them greatly. 


The research by Stanford Professor Carol Dweck on “fixed” and “growth” mindsets is something we value at Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School. Dweck’s message that we should praise effort and not inherent ability has been widely accepted, it seems, but for many of us, has not yet become automatic.


One of the big determinants of what students do with feedback, it turns out, is mindset. Students with a growth mindset (that is, they believe that ability can grow through effort) attend to feedback and put it to work. Students with a fixed mindset (that is, they believe ability is fixed and unchangeable) avoid or ignore feedback. These snapshots open up an opportunity to have conversations based around effort and how much growth children have made. 


Celebrate your child's successes and assist them in setting some learning/behavioural goals for next semester. Although it occupies only a small part of each achievement record, I encourage parents to focus first and foremost on the ‘effort’ score reported for each learning area.  


Whilst individual strengths and weaknesses each impact on a child’s level of academic attainment, outstanding effort is an accurate indicator that your child is maximising potential. Celebrate!! 


The language we use as parents is powerful in shaping our children’s future success .  

School Carpark

Please remember that 10km/h is the speed limit for our carpark and drive through area.    

There is one lane of traffic through the kiss and drop zone (left hand side, nearest to the verandah), and one lane parking and through traffic (right hand side). Please be courteous and patient in your use of this space.


Students should be able to manage themselves in and out of the car with no support to use kiss and drop. If you are required to help them, please find a car park to assist.

Has your situation changed?

At this stage of the year it may be that families are aware of the likelihood of changes to their situation. Mid-year can bring changes to family circumstances — a shift of house, career or employment. At times, the school can be overlooked in communication of the change.  


Parents are reminded that Good Shepherd Lutheran School operates a ‘Term in Advance’ policy meaning that a minimum of one term's notice must be given in the event that a student is to leave the school. This policy ensures that the school is given adequate time to manage the vacancy. Thank you for your cooperation.