Learning Community 2
Maxine Howard and Sarah Munday
Learning Community 2
Maxine Howard and Sarah Munday
It has been a really fun few week in Grade 3/4. We have moved into Procedural Writing and have really enjoyed Miss Maxine's creative writing ideas! Students have designed a LEGO, writing the instructions for a friend to then follow before comparing the two LEGO people. It was great fun seeing how others could follow our steps, and really highlighted the importance of precise language. We also enjoyed designing a biscuit and writing the steps.
In Reading we explored vocabulary by looking at subject specific vocabulary and different tiers of words.
In Maths we have enjoyed learning about Fractions this week. We explored fractions as equal parts of a whole or a group. We discussed language including denominator (bottom number of the fraction), numerator (top number of the fraction), vinculum (the line in between).
In Topic, students explored the environment and habitats, creating their own trioramas. They had loads of fun and their finished products looked incredible. It has been a really fun unit and students have been really engaged in the content and learning.
3/4 finished their class novel, The BFG. They celebrated by exploring the characters and setting, and designing a dream. We ended the week by watching the movie and enjoying some snacks.
This is the last newsletter for the semester. Students finish school on Friday the 23rd at 2:30pm. We hope you have a wonderful, safe and restful school holidays.
3/4M: Verity - For always showing kindness to everyone. Verity uses kind words, includes others and will help anyone in need. You are awesome, Verity!
3/4X: Silas - For helping people when they are hurt. Well done, Silas! You are such a good friend and classmate!