Learning Community 1

Jane Guy, Kelly Smith and Kate Stoll

Prep Guy

Last week and this week in Reading we revised stretchy snake and learnt about chunky monkey, which are reading strategies for students to use to work out unknown words when reading. Stretchy snake reminds students to stretch out the sounds for letters to make words and chunky monkey reminds students to chunk up 2 or 3 sounds to give their brain a clue as to what the word may be. We also learnt about syllables and the comprehension strategy of monitoring- making sure what we read makes sense.  In writing/ spelling we learnt about the most common sounds made by Gg and Hh on the THRASS chart. Students have been busy learning how to form these letters correctly and write them in the sky, grass or dirt. We worked on the 100 Most Commonly Used Words and practised writing compound sentences. In Maths we continued our work on addition and subtraction. 

Student of the Week

Last week Olivia was chosen by her classmates for showing respect to her friends; treating them the way she would like to be treated.


This week Sidney was chosen by his classmates because his class said he is responsible, trying hard with all his school work and doing the right thing.