Deutsche Ecke

R-2, 4/5     Libby Edwards

Yrs 3-6      Emma Chesterman 


During their German lessons, students were asked some questions about learning German.  Here are some of their responses.


Why do we learn German?

“We learn German because then we can communicate with people from other countries.”

“Learning German helps us to think about other languages and make connections with our own languages too”

“Learning German makes you think about other people and try to understand what it is like to know a different language.


What do you like about learning German?

“I like learning how to write a descriptive letter all in German.  It was exciting to send these away to a real German-speaking school.”

“I like learning about culture, especially some of the German traditions and celebrations like Saint Nikolaus.”

"I like learning new languages and learning about history and geography.  It helps you understand about different places in the world.”

“I like learning with our amazing teachers who provide us with lots of fun ways to learn.”

“I like the feeling of remembering new words and being confident to say them.”

“I like learning online with Duolingo as it helps me to practise my speaking and listening so that I can know even more words.”

“We sing songs and that helps us to remember new words"

“Playing games is a great way to help us to use the vocabulary and remember it.”

“Learning German is really cool.  If you go to Germany, you will understand what the people are saying.”


What do you know in German?

“I know about different types of music and film genres.”

“I know that words are pronounced differently.  I know how to write simple, compound and complex sentences to state an opinion."

“I know the names of my family members and I can tell you numbers and colours too."

“I can tell you how old I am and introduce myself and my friend.”

“German is a bit like English because some words are exactly the same.”

" I know all of the teen numbers because we learned how to say them in our Germaths when we did German and Maths together."

"They even have digraphs and trigraphs in German too."

“In German it is the same alphabet as we use.  Some of the letters make different sounds.”

“I know how to name things in the classroom in German.”

“I can name and describe the things I find in my house.”

“I know that the two little dots that looks like a smiley face is really called an umlaut.  It changes the sound of the letter.”

“I know that German has an extra letter which looks the same as a Greek letter ß but it has a different name.  It makes a ‘ss’ sound.”

“I know that German has 3 different words for the “der / die / das.”

“I know how to explain what I like and don’t like.  I can give my own opinion about movies and songs.”