
Did you know we sell second hand uniforms? 

The cost of school uniforms has been highlighted in the media this week. School uniforms create a sense of belonging. Therefore it is important that every child has access to the uniform, and feels a sense of pride in wearing the correct uniform.


Our school aims to provide quality school uniforms for the best possible price, however we also have a selection of pre-owned, washed, and ready to go uniform items for $10.


Wednesday is still the best day to visit our uniform shop if you need to top up, or browse our $10 rack. 


If you have uniform items that are still in good condition but no longer required, we would greatly appreciate your donations. This will help us to continue offering this wonderful service. 



Screens, Screens, Screens! 

Another popular media focus and hot debated topic is parenting and digital technology. With school holidays around the corner, and especially being the winter months, it is the perfect time to reflect on positive and healthy use of digital technology for your family. 


Click on the link below for some technology parenting tips: 
