Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report


Term 2 - Week 9


Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,


Gracious God, we humbly come before You with hearts filled with gratitude. We give thanks for the wonderful school term we have experienced in our amazing Catholic primary school. Thank You for the knowledge gained, friendships formed, and growth achieved. Bless our students, staff, and families for their dedication and support. May Your love guide us always as we continue to learn, grow, and serve.



School Reports

All parents/carers will receive an email tomorrow from nForma. It will inform you of the steps you need to take to log into your parent portal, which is where you will now need to go when accessing student reports.


Logging in is a simple process to complete, however make sure you read the instructions in the email very carefully. It is essential that you correctly copy the temporary password that will be provided when you are logging in for the first time. You will then be asked to create a new password before you can move through to your portal. Once logged into the portal, you will have the opportunity to download a PDF and/or print the report. This portal will store all student reports moving forward, so you will be able to access previous reports whenever you need them. 


Early next term, we will be seeking feedback from families via a Google Form about the new reporting platform and content. Please take a moment to celebrate your child's achievements with them when you are reading through their report. 


Parent Teacher Interviews

Our next scheduled Parent/Teacher meetings will take place on the following dates:

Tuesday 8th August       3:30pm - 7:00pm

Thursday 10th August   3:30pm - 7:00pm

These interviews of 15 minutes each will be an opportunity to discuss your child's report and also to see how they have settled back into their learning after the holidays. A notice will be sent home early next term with the instructions on how to book in for your meeting. Please remember, if your child has termly PSG meetings then you do not make a time to meet on these dates. 


School Advisory Group

The School Advisory Group met last Thursday evening to discuss a range of agenda items. Here is some of the things that were discussed;

  1. It was decided that Prep-2 Swimming Lessons will commence in 2024.   The SAC discussed the survey results of the P-2 Swimming Survey that was sent out to families earlier in the term. We were extremely appreciative of the fact that 39 families responded to the survey. In summary, 92.3% of families believe that we should run Prep-2 Swimming lessons next year, which made the decision to proceed with swimming lessons in 2024 quite straightforward. Some really insightful reasons were provided by parents for why lessons would be beneficial,. There were also some very relevant questions and concerns that will need to be addressed before the program commences. We will now look to confirm a booking at PARC for next year, work out costs which will need to be be added to the student levies in 2024, and get some answers to key questions that were raised such as instructor/student ratios and use of change rooms.\
  2. Uniform Price Updates. TheSAC also spent time updating the uniform shop price list, which had not been updated for quite a few years. Please be aware that we have kept prices down as low as we can for all items. The new Uniform Price List will be used from the beginning of Term 3. There is link to the new price list on the 'Community' page of this newsletter. 

2024 Prep Enrolment Meetings

Miss Marion and I have been conducting 2024 Prep Interviews over the last week. It has been so nice to see the smiling faces of all the students who will be joining our Prep class next year. 

If you have a child who you intend to send to school next year, but you have not yet let us know, please do so as soon as possible. Also, if you know any parents of 4 or 5 year olds who are looking for a school to start at next year, tell them to give us a call and pop in for a tour. We would be happy to take them around our beautiful school!


Tomorrow is the last day of Term 3 and school finishes at the normal time of 3:15pm. Wishing you all a safe and happy school holiday break filled with abundant blessings and renewed energy for the journey ahead.


We will see you back at school on Monday 10th July. 


Steve Peart

School Principal