House Keeping

CSEF Applications
Please download and complete the attached CSEF forms if you would like to apply for 2023. Forms need to be returned to CHS by 19 June so that they can be processed in time for the cut-off date.
Bytes Cafe
Here is the Semester 1 menu and pricelist from our very own Bytes Cafe:
Asthma, Diabetes, & Anaphylaxis Action Plans for 2023
If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma, Diabetes, or Anaphylaxis, we are required to have a current Action Plan on file from your GP. If you have already handed one in then please disregard this notice.
Plans can be submitted either via email at or can be handed in to Reception.
If you currently have medication and/or Action Plans at school and would like the medical officer to check the expiry dates, please send an email to the above email address.
**Please note Asthma, Diabetes, & Anaphylaxis Plans are only valid for 12 months and must be updated Annually**