Respectful Relationships


As part of our care for the wider community, our Respectful Relationships team held a community forum on family violence in Korumburra recently. The forum was well attended by a range of community and sporting groups, and each spoke passionately about being more aware of, and ending, family violence in our community.


Gippsland experiences one of the highest rates of reported family violence in Victoria. Family violence may include non-physical violence such as coercion and control and financial violence. As a community, the groups present at the forum recognised that we all have a role to play in keeping our community safe.


The sporting groups present committed to participating in Orange Round in late July. Orange Round is promoted by GippSport and encourages sporting clubs to take a stand against family violence, and men’s violence against women. While not all victims of violence are female, most violence is perpetuated by men. If you are a member of a sporting club that could be participating in Orange Round, please get in contact with GippSport to express your interest


The community groups present will meet again soon to plan a community-wide project for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, which is recognised annually in November. If you are part of a community group who could be involved, please get in contact with the school.


Family Violence is a problem we all need to tackle. Our education system has implemented several strategies to educate young people about the drivers of family violence, including the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships curriculum. We now need the community to support us.