Principal's News

Ms Grace Carlo-Stella

Principal (acting)

Dear Parents,


As the term draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your incredible participation in the recent Parent-Teacher Interviews. Seeing so many of you attending and actively engaging with your child’s teacher is wonderful.

Let's take a moment to celebrate the fantastic experiences our students have had throughout this term. It has been a term filled with unforgettable moments, growth, and endless learning opportunities..

First and foremost, our students have had the privilege of embarking on exciting excursions that have expanded their horizons and provided them with hands-on experiences. These experiences have enriched their understanding and sparked their curiosity about the work they have been doing in class.


We also witnessed our students showcase their remarkable skills and sportsmanship through exhilarating sporting activities against other schools. Their teamwork and their behaviour has been excellent.

Another highlight of this term has been our first stage assemblies, where our students displayed their incredible talents, whether it be in singing, dancing, or acting. These assemblies were a testament to their creativity and self-expression. It was wonderful to see so many parents attend. The work the teachers put into these assemblies was remarkable and a great experience for the students.

Additionally, we celebrated various special events such as the Athletics Carnival, Cross Country, Mother's Day celebrations, First Eucharist, Author Talk, Masses, and much more. These occasions brought us all together as a community and allowed us to strengthen the bonds between parents, students, and staff.

Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge the outstanding generosity of our school community. Together, we raised over $1000 in funds for the Cancer Council, supporting their crucial work in research and patient support. Additionally, our Winter Appeal for Vinnies was a tremendous success, as we came together to help those in need during the colder months. Your contributions have made a meaningful impact on the lives of others, teaching our students the value of empathy and compassion.

At the heart of it all, we have witnessed our students thriving academically. They have eagerly absorbed knowledge, tackled challenges, and embraced new concepts. It is through their hard work and your support that they continue to reach new heights of success.

Now, as Term 2 comes to an end, let us turn our attention to the exciting adventures that await us in Term 3. The term calendar, which outlines the upcoming events and important dates, has been included with this newsletter. You will find a plethora of engaging learning experiences and much more. Term 3 promises to be a time of exploration, growth, and new discoveries for our students.

As we embark on this journey together, I encourage you to mark your calendars and actively participate in the various activities planned for the term. Your continued support and involvement play a crucial role in nurturing our students' holistic development.

On behalf of the entire staff, I want to extend my gratitude for your continuous support and active involvement in our school community. Your presence, encouragement and involvement are invaluable.

As we look forward to the next term, let us carry the positive momentum and memories from this term. Together, we will continue to create a vibrant and inspiring educational experience for our children.

Wishing you and your family a restful and enjoyable break. We look forward to welcoming you back for another exciting term three on Monday17th July 2023.



Kind Regards,

Grace Carlo-Stella

Principal (acting)