Dates and Events 

Dates and Events 

Pet Education Incursion

Thursday 5th September - Purple and Orange Groups 


Art through STEM  (STEAM) evening exhibition 

Thursday 12th September 


Term Three Ends Friday 20th September 


Term Four begins Monday 7th October 

Working Bee 

The Kindergarten will be having a working bee on Saturday 19th October. From 9.30am to 2pm. All are welcome, come for an hour, or stay the whole day! Children are very welcome. 

There will be a sausage sizzle during the day. We will have forms to pre-order and pay prior to the day. Money from the sausage sizzle will go towards raising funds for a Smart TV for use in the kindergarten. 

Below is a list (not exhaustive... we may add to it!) of jobs that we would like to get done. 

Large outdoor blocks nailed back together

Outside walls swept off

Internal and external windows cleaned

Internal walls of four year old kinder room washed

Indigenous garden weeded

Hook installed behind entrance door of 4 yr old class

Cupboard fixed in kinder kitchen

Tan bark spread on outdoor area

Filter cleaned in split system in 4 yr old class

Weeding and cleaning out area behind veggie garden

Big shed cleaned out, new shelves put in place at back of shed for storage and shelving reorganised.

Puzzles sorted and reorganised.

Back storage cupboard sorting.

Tables given a good clean.

Removing irrigation pipes in garden

Pruning back certain plants.

Deck re-oiled

Term Four Dates 

Term Four begins Monday 7th October 

Tuesday 29th October - Orange Group Excursion to Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Cranbourne for the Baby Bilby Programme 

Tuesday 5th November - Public Holiday 

Monday 11th November - Purple Group Excursion to Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Cranbourne for the Baby Bilby Programme 

Thursday 21st November - 2020 Kindergarten Information Night 

Thursday 5th December - Whole Kindergarten End of Year Celebration. This is an evening event, please add this date to your calendar. More information early in Term Four. 

Late Collection 

A reminder that children are to be collected from kindergarten at the set finishing time of their session. Please note that late collection will incur a late fee. We will be enforcing this policy going forward, as staff are routinely needing to stay with children who have not been collected. This impacts on staff non-teaching duties, staff meetings and staff planning times, as well as on staff's personal time.