Parent Partnerships

Cyber Safety Parent Information Night

August 20, 2018

For children today, growing up digital is a whole new world. Learning safe practices and strategies for maintaining a positive digital reputation starts in the home. It takes a village to raise a child, so understanding what our children are learning at school is crucial in ensuring the messages are consistent and ongoing. 


This session aims at providing parents with the insights and important information about popular social networking and online gaming platforms for young people today. Building a positive and healthy family environment where the digital use is encouraged, but managed effectively can be a tough balance. We will discuss ways you can ensure your children stay safe through making use of an application's privacy settings and help them to build positive digital habits through your family's digital user agreement - Cyber Safety Project.

Don't forget to lock this one in your diary:

Date: Monday 20th of August

Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Location: Corpus Christi Community  Hall

Here is the parent event flyer which we will display around the school in Term 3. Feel free to print it out and put it on the fridge so you don't miss this really important and valuable opportunity: