Education in Faith
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Lord Jesus Christ,
your heart broke open with such a depth of love
that you gave your very life for your people.
May we love others as you have loved us.
Gentle our hearts so that we, too, may bring Life to the world.
We ask this prayer through Christ Our Lord.
Social Justice News
We need your help to give people in need something warm to wear this
winter. For our Social Justice initiative this term we invite the members of our school community to donate to the Saint Vincent De Paul's Winter Appeal.
Your donations can be new beanies, socks, scarves or gloves or simply make a money donation in the Mary MacKillop boxes on the classroom prayer tables.
A basket for donations will be available in each Learning Area until Friday 22nd June.
Remember the donations must be NEW.
Kind regards
Leila, Leena, Rosabella, Ashley, Molly and Natalie
Social Justice Leaders