
The Learning Management System at Coburg High School through 'Google Sites'

The curriculum at Coburg High School is currently transitioning to a new Learning Management System. Students at Year 7 and Year 11 are already using Google Sites as the platform for accessing and engaging with curriculum materials. As well as being a more modern and intuitively designed site, incorporating Google Suite products such as Google Slides and Google Docs, the lesson pages are also structured around the new Coburg High School instructional model, 'GANAG'. 

The acronym GANAG represents the typical model of instruction used by teachers in each lesson where the sequence is:

  • Goal Setting
  • Activate Thinking
  • New Information
  • Application Tasks
  • Goal Review

Incorporating the GANAG instructional model into the lesson pages on Google Sites ensures a consistent learning experience for students in all subjects. It also allows students to easily navigate the sites independently at home to review goals and information and complete application and home learning tasks.


Students at Years 8, 9 and 10 are still currently using Wikis as their primary mode of engagement with curriculum materials. However, there is a planned transition for all year levels to be on Google Sites over the next 18 months. During that time, the current sites will also be reviewed and developed to ensure the highest quality curriculum is available to all students now and into the future.

Big Science Competition

For the past two years many Coburg High School students have participated in the Big Science Competition, which is an international competition that tests critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as science knowledge. All the questions are aligned with the Australian Curriculum for Science. 


The Big Science Competition is organised by Australian Science Innovations, an independent not-for profit organisation committed to contributing to building Australia’s scientific community through inspiring and developing our best science students.


This year’s competition will take place on the 28 May during session one. It has 30 questions on contemporary issues and runs for 50 minutes. The competition is open to at four levels:

  • Year 7
  • Year 8
  • Year 9
  • Year 10

Each student who takes part will receive a certificate as well as detailed feedback on their performance in the competition.  They also go into a draw to win cash prizes.


Certificates are awarded as follows:

  • High Distinction (top 5%)
  • Distinction (top 15%)
  • Credit (top 50%)
  • Participation to all other students

The competition incurs a cost of $9 per student. We are currently seeking expressions of interest for students to take part. Parents and students are invited to complete this survey if they wish to nominate their child/participate. The survey will close on Monday 22 April.


For further information, please contact our Science coordinator, Katherine Ryan.