
Extension & Enrichment at Coburg High School

This year at Coburg High School, we are engaging and challenging our high achieving learners by offering students an opt-in, aspirational program to support them to fully extend themselves.

This is not a select entry program because we believe in supporting all students in the classroom with tailored options and individual programs. Each classroom and subject area has rigorous curriculum options for all students.


What will students be doing?

Each student who opts into this program will complete an Extension & Enrichment Plan that involves:

1. Setting a High Aspiration: This is a dream or ambition which extends beyond school and is part of their personality and who they are. For example: ‘I dream that my passion for maths and science could be used to explore artificial intelligence’.

2. Once they have written their High Aspiration, they will create two SMART goals:

  • One extension goal that links to their curriculum aspirations. For example: ‘During term two, I will attempt all of the extension tasks provided in Maths & Science.’ OR ‘I will attempt above level activities in English’;
  • One enrichment goal that links to their extra-curricula ambitions. For example: ‘This year, I will try to coach a netball team.’ OR ‘I will audition for the school musical’ OR ‘I will participate in a university school holiday program’

3. Students sit down at multiple points across the year to be linked in with the Learning Specialist for Extension & Enrichment and consider how they can be challenged both inside and outside the classroom and the school.


What can parents do?

Parents can keep up to date with the Compass updates about our extension and enrichment activities. Each term there are an extensive range of competitions and events that support enrichment and challenges for our students.


The attached document outlines a wide range of enrichment opportunities here at Coburg High School.

An extension & enrichment plan may not be needed for every student, provided the curriculum is suitably challenging for them but enrichment opportunities can provide deep learning and an opportunity to get to know other like-minded passionate young people.


Chloe Tayler - Learning Specialist of Extension & Enrichment


E: chloe.tayler@coburg.vic.edu.au P: 9353 1700

Melbourne Institute of Classical Arts (MICA) partnership

A message from the Artistic Director of MICA:


Melbourne Institute of Classical Arts (MICA) is one of only 4 programs across the country that provides dance training at a professional level in combination with high school studies. The program has been running very successfully for 2 years with Coburg High School and we welcome so many new families into MICA this year. 


Over the last 2 years we have had a lot of success with our students. These successes include reaching the finals in various competitions across the country and being accepted into prestigious dance programs both in Australia and internationally to continue their training. 


The success and interest in the program highlighted the need to expand the program to include a contemporary dance based program which was launched at the beginning of this year. This program has had a large amount of interested and has welcomed some of the best contemporary dancers into the school to teach the students and impart their knowledge.


We will be continuing this growth with a new program for Musical theatre students and welcome anyone interested in any of our programs to contact us at admin@melbournecityballet.com.au 


MICA Students are also part of the youth companies at Melbourne City Ballet with Georgina Perkins recently being the lead Dorothy in the production of Wizard of Oz. Georgina’s star quality is exactly what the MICA program is for and Melbourne City Ballet is dedicated to working with all the young dancers to help them on their journey to becoming professional dancers. 


Also keep a look out for our contemporary youth ensembles “The Collective” auditions and productions and Melbourne City Youth Theatre’s production of “Cats”. These programs are ideal for people interested in pursuing a career in the arts and who maybe will want to audition for the MICA program. 

Michael Pappalardo

Artistic Director

Melbourne City Ballet


e: admin@melbournecityballet.com.au