On Tuesday 22 October, the Year 8s competed in the maths survivor challenge. It was an enjoyable challenge that tested our maths skills. We worked in our survivor groups and tried to complete 30 challenging questions in under an hour and a half. Most of the groups weren’t able to answer all of the questions, but everyone had a go. The problem-solving questions made us think outside the box, and work as a team to find the answers.

All groups gained points towards their final island and form survivor score, hoping to win a pizza lunch. The winners on the day were Alex Kotenko, Audrey Zhou, Julia Hong, Luke Zhai, Nicoletta Georgiadis and Tianna Markovac who are the Madeira island group from 8C. They finished one point ahead of the Cyprus group from 8B. It was a great day filled with many challenges and we all had fun. We would like to thank all the teachers involved for helping out and making the day possible.


Liah Gizbah, Yael Greenberg & Chantelle Ho

Year 8 Students