As you are aware, last week we had our hottest day since March. Therefore this is a timely reminder for our students to be SunSmart. We are frequently told by the Cancer Council of Australia that the sun’s harmful rays can have a damaging effect on not only our skin but on our overall health. Significant UV exposure occurs during childhood and adolescence due to the comparative sensitivity of the skin. Protection from overexposure can reduce their risk of developing skin and eye damage and skin cancer later in life.


We do have adequate shade available for our students at school in our passive areas, but many choose to walk around or play sport during lunchtime and recess. As they attend school during peak UV times, we encourage our students to wear their school hat if they are in the sun.


This hat must also be worn during PE and Sports activities during Terms 1 and 4 however it can also be worn during the other school terms. Most choose to wear a cap but if they prefer a bucket hat, these are available from our uniform shop. We also recommend that they apply sunscreen at home and bring it to reapply during the day if they are outside. They are welcome to also wear their sunglasses. We suggest that they do not bring designer or expensive ones in case they lose them.  


For best protection during the daily sun protection times (when the UV level is 3 or higher) use all five SunSmart steps below:

  • SLIP on clothing 
  • SLOP on SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen 
  • SLAP on a hat 
  • SEEK shade 
  • SLIDE on sunglasses.

The Cancer Council Australia has a SunSmart app which is a great way to check the UV Index when you are out and about.


iPhone users can download it at the iTunes App Store and Android users at the Google Play store.

Enjoy the sunny days!


Susan Wilken

Health Learning Area Manager


As part of Health and PE week, we ran a competition entitled ‘MAKE FRIENDS WITH SALAD’. Students were invited to create a salad that, if selected as the winning meal, would be available for purchase from the canteen for a week.


We are excited to say that we had many entries. We therefore awarded the prize of $50 to two students:

  • Jeremy Zivin (Year 12) for his Zestful Zivin Salad and
  • Laura Wharton (Year 9) for her Super Scrumptious Spinach Salad.

Congratulations to you both.


Susan Wilken

Health Learning Area Manager