Student Leadership

This year the Student Leadership Team launched the new Year 11 Leadership Mentoring Program. This program gave students the opportunity to play an active role in the Student Leadership Committees and develop their leadership skills through hands-on experience with the 2020 School Captains and Student Leadership staff. 

Our 2020 Year 11 Leadership Mentees; Harry Aitken, Andrew Alexiou, Majd Alsania, Monica Charan, Oliver Grant, Eva Kakavas, Theora Michalopoulos, Sofia Thaniotis, and Miah Walker have demonstrated their passion for student voice, stepping up to run the Student Leadership Committees after our wonderful Year 12 School Captains finished for the year. They ran the student leadership meetings, organised student engagement opportunities, and wrapped up the projects that the student leadership committees have been working so hard on this semester.  


This included completing the Wear It Purple Day (WIPD) wall display in the atrium. During remote learning the Civics and Citizenship Committee celebrated WIPD by asking every student and staff member to respond to the same question; ‘What Does Wear It Purple Day Mean to You?’. Our hardworking SRC members organised the hundreds of wonderful responses we received, and put together a wall display to celebrate the diversity of the responses we received, and continue to promote an inclusive environment here at Thornbury High. 


The Year 11 Mentees spoke positively about their experiences in the program:

“I have enjoyed working closely with the leaders of the school, and learning a portion of what their role requires, alongside the other Year 11 Mentees. I found that attending fortnightly leadership meetings, where mentees were given the opportunity to listen, learn, collaborate and represent their committees was an invigorating experience towards my own skills and qualities. I also enjoyed speaking with my mentor SRC Captain Lucy Youston more directly, and learning about her future aspirations for the SRC Committee. The highlight of the program has been feeling more productive, proactive, and involved with the school. It has given me insight on what a captain role in 2021 would entail and has allowed me to develop leadership skills by placing me in a supportive and encouraging environment.” 


Eva Kakavas

“The Year 11 Leadership Mentoring Program is the first of its kind at Thornbury, and as a student who had been looking to get involved ‘behind-the-scenes’ with the school community more, while acquiring lifelong leadership skills, this program was perfect. I'm grateful to have been a member this year.”


Monica Charan 

“I wanted to challenge myself into potentially a leadership role and the mentoring program was an opportunity to work on those skills fitted for leadership roles. It helped me get an understanding of what leadership means and how it is seen, from organising meetings to talking with other committees for big plans, the program helped me understand the expectations of a leader.”


Sofia Thaniotis  

“I decided to be a part of the Year 11 Leadership Mentoring Program to push myself in one of my final school years. This program has given me an opportunity to contribute to the school community. I developed my communication and team work skills through collaborating with the other members of the committees. The mentoring program has given me insight into the roles and responsibilities of a School Captain.”


Ollie Grant

I congratulate the 2020 Leadership Mentees for their positive contributions to the program this year. It’s been a pleasure to work with these students and see them grow into strong and passionate future leaders. 


Bec Perkin

Student Leadership Coordinator